XP BetterPushBack Start


6 768
2 439
BetterPushBack Start v1.2

This is a small plugin for the ZiboMod 737-800 and Level Up 737NG aircraft to start Better Pushback from the Ground Call button on the forward overhead panel.
To install, unzip the file and drop it in to {xplane folder}/resources/plugins.

Version 1.2 is a complete rewrite of the original plugin.

This plugin only supports the Zibo and Level Up aircraft.
  • -- Added support for Tail Numbers ZB736, ZB737 & ZB739 (Level Up 73X series) as well as Zibo's ZB738- tested with all aircraft.
  • -- The first/push/release of the ground call button will start the pushback. (hint: it's a good idea to plan the pushback first otherwise the tug driver gets a bit arsey with you!!)
  • -- A second push/release of the Ground Call button whilst the tug is connected to the aircraft and in motion will cause the pushback to stop and the tug to disconnect.
  • -- Reloading aircraft will cause the plugin to unregister the existing callback functions and restart cleanly when the new aircraft has completed loading.
  • -- The plugin remains dormant if unsupported aircraft are loaded.
BetterPushbackC pour Zibo ...

Plus besoin de modifier le fichier ACF du Zibo pour que BetterPushback fonctionne sur XP12 !

BetterPushBack compatible avec XP12 beta 8 !

This release addresses crashes on X-Plane 12 beta 8. This beta build of X-Plane removed BP's ability to control the weather and temporarily change the weather in such a way that the pushback route can be seen. Thus, BP's utility in really low visibility (heavy IFR) will be reduced, as you may not be able to see the pushback route from very high up. Zoom in and move about a bit more with the click-and-drag mouse movements to work around this. Sorry, no way for me to change this, X-Plane 12 literally removed the ability for me to help you out there.
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