Live Traffic (freeware)


6 570
2 609
1 364
Live Traffic v2.53

LiveTraffic remplit le ciel de trafic aérien en direct basé sur les données de suivi publiques demandées à OpenSky Network, Open Glider Network, ADS-B Exchange et/ou RealTraffic.
Il est compatible avec X-Plane 11 (incl. Vulkan/Metal) sur Windows, Mac et Linux. Il est livré en tant que freeware open source sans garantie.
Une ancienne version fonctionnant sur X-Plane 10 est fournie séparément.
Avant de mettre à jour, vérifiez toujours les informations dans la section Quoi de neuf ci-dessous ou dans le journal des modifications de la documentation.

LiveTraffic fills your sky with live air traffic based on public tracking data requested from OpenSky Network, Open Glider Network, ADS-B Exchange and/or RealTraffic.
It is compatible with X-Plane 11 (incl. Vulkan/Metal) on Windows, Mac and Linux. It comes as open source freeware with no guarantees.
A legacy version running on X-Plane 10 is provided separately.
Before updating , always check the information in the What's new section below or in the Change Log of the documentation.

v2.5x - Stability Improvements

5 aout 2021 - v2.53 :

This update is meant to better deal with the fact that OpenSky lately started to respond sloppy (delayed or even timed out), leading to LiveTraffic stopping to read from OpenSky. It can't fix OpenSky server response time, but it tries to keep LiveTraffic afloat even while facing slow replies. Also verify that Settings > Advanced > Aircraft Selection > Buffering Period is at least set to 90 seconds to provide for ample buffer for periods OpenSky does not respond.

Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v2.52:

  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
  • Resources/Doc8643.txt
  • Resources/related.txt
  • Resources/FlightModels.prf
Change log:
  • FIXED : #219: Network timeouts are handled more dynamically and gracefully and don't lead to channel inactivation any longer. Aircraft master data is fetched in order of distance, so that closest aircraft appear in proper livery first.
  • FIXED : #215: Channels, which got inactivated after too many errors, can be restarted (from Settings > Input Channels and from Status / About). Stopped channels are no longer treated and saved as "disabled" and therefor will appear enabled after X-Plane restart.
  • Added Pilatus and other L1T planes to related.txt, as well as some more ground vehicle call signs to FlightModels.prf, see here.

LiveTraffic v3.0.0.22070

What's New in Version

9 juillet 2022
Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v2.60:
  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
  • Resources/Doc8643.txt
  • Resources/FlightModels.prf
  • Resources/
Change log:
  • NEW #225 option Basics > Cooperation > Hide all a/c in Replay to have all aircraft hidden while X-Plane is in Replay mode.
  • NEW #223 option Basics > Cooperation > Hide static objects to remove static objects like towers from all data streams where identifiable.
  • NEW #18 feature: Planes correct angle for wind, crab and de-crab for take-off/landing. The wind considered is taken from current simulator's weather, ie. the same that affects your own aircraft, too.
  • General performance improvements, especially noticeable if many more aircraft are seen in the data than can be displayed.
  • OpenSky: NEW #237 option to enter credentials of a registered user account to allow for a higher number of requests per day (details).
    Remaining requests per day are shown in the OpenSky status in the Status / About page and in the OpenSky settings.
  • ADS-B Exchange: Prepare for version 2 data format (not yet available for the RAPID API interface).
    Provides more data for potentially better altitude and type of vehicle information. Will become mandatory as the v1 format will be phased out by ADS-B Exchange at some point in time.
  • RealTraffic: NEW #229 support for trafic info format "RTTFC" introduced with RT v9, broadcasted on port 49005, becoming the default listening port. Older formats continue to work, too, no matter the network port.
    The network port LiveTraffic listens to is now configurable in Settings > Input Channels > RealTraffic.
  • The Export functionality is also extended to support RealTraffic's RTTFC format: There is a new setting Advanced > Export > Export file format to choose between the previous AITFC and the new RTTFC format.
    Use the updated Resources/ to send AITFC or RTTFC data back into LiveTraffic.
  • ADDED more potential Ground Vehicles to FlightModels.prf, thanks to @sawiczja and @larsras.
  • FSCharter channel: FIXED #231 static link to flight board.
Live traffic v3.0.0 fonctionne parfaitement sur XP12
Je vole toujours avec live traffic mais il a l'air de shooter opensky, j'ai un message jaune.
Et bizarrement, je vois pas les trafics au sol qui sont activés sur CDG ou ailleurs.
J'ai les CSL dans le dossier mais il y a un truc qui ne va pas !
Je vole toujours avec live traffic mais il a l'air de shooter opensky, j'ai un message jaune.
Et bizarrement, je vois pas les trafics au sol qui sont activés sur CDG ou ailleurs.
J'ai les CSL dans le dossier mais il y a un truc qui ne va pas !
Salut Ouali !

Je ne l'utilise pas ...

Tu as vérifié si tu n'aurais pas des avions AI venant d'xplane ?

et Settings > Graphics > Draw parked aircraft sur Off

Dans le log d'xp12 , tu n'as pas une piste ?
Le log XP, je n'y ai jamais rien compris !!!!
J'ai fait des MAJ pour les CSL et X-CSL. J'ai pu voir des avions mais avec le nouveau système opensky, au bout d'un moment, j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a plus rien !
J'ai le draw parked aircraft sur ON mais même avec ça, je n'ai jamais vu d'AI dans XP, bizarre. Pour moi, le monde XP12 est un peu vide pas d'AI, d'engins sur aéroports, de trafic routier et ferrovière alors que sur XP11, RAS !
C'est mis sur OFF. Mai je n'ai pas d'avions en visu, trop de demande ou un truc du genre !
Et log en PJ. J'ai eu un message d'erreur aussi sur simheaven 6 et 5 footprint je crois.
*edit* il ne passe pas le fichier !
*edit bis* ça a l'air d'être bon en zipant avec 7zip.

Fichiers joints

    918.3 KB · Affichages: 16
@oualigator , quel foutoir ton log ! :eek::D

On dirait que tu as fait une simple mise à jour d'xp11 (ce qui n'est pas conseillé) , ça doit mettre du temps à charger non ?!?

ligne 25 disabled ReShade : This layer is known to cause issues such as crashes with X-Plane. Use --allow_reshade to bypass, you have been warned!

6938 : 312 Custom Scenery/bKSEA Demo Area/
6939 : 313 Custom Scenery/bLOWI Demo Area/

2250 erreurs

128716 lignes (sans doute à cause du debug LiveTraffic)

Xplane 12 est en phase de beta (3) ; essaie d'avoir une version clean , ça ne sert à rien d'avoir les aéroports d'xp11 sauf si ils sont "custom" ...
Vire tout ce qui n'est pas utile pour l'instant ou refait une installation propre d'XP12 en ne choisissant que l'Europe si tu n'as pas la fibre .
Dans un premier temps , laisse les scènes tel quel pour l'instant
Essaie d'ajouter Live Traffic et vois ce qu'il se passe , si ça marche , ajoute Simheaven xp12 ... et tiens nous au courant ...

Tu ajouteras les orthos plus tard .
Dernière édition:
merci d'avoir pris le temps de regarder ;)
OK, je vais tenter ta manip mais ça va me prendre un temps monstre, encore !!

J'aime bien mes aéroports importés ! Rien que CDG ou Orly, c'est mieux que de base et le reste ça va être pareil.
Pourtant, j'avais fait un peu de tri avant le passage à XP12 !
J'aime bien mes aéroports importés ! Rien que CDG ou Orly, c'est mieux que de base et le reste ça va être pareil.
Pourtant, j'avais fait un peu de tri avant le passage à XP12 !
Tu as sans doute raison , mais c'est encore un peu tôt pour tout mettre comme avant ...
Essaie déjà avec une dizaine de tes aéroports favoris ...

pour les utilitaires , tu trouveras des infos XP12 ici :

et pour les scènes ici :
@oualigator le lien pour SAM :

Tu n'es pas seul à avoir des problèmes !
merci ;)
Je viens d'installer une copie sans rien d'autre que live traffic. Trains, voitures, avions de live traffic et avions au sol mais j'ai oublié de regarder si c'était coché pour les avions stationnés.
Bon, par contre, sans rien, c'est sacrément moche !
Dernière édition:
J'ai essayé de régler le soucis du crédit qui revient des heures après !
Je suis allé sur le site rapid key pour adbs, j'ai rentré les infos nécessaires et j'ai validé un compte gratuit à 0$ histoire de voir. Les avions sont enfin visibles (pour combien de temps, je verrai bien !)
Reste à régler le soucis du trafic sur aéroport (avions, véhicules OK), trafic routier (invisible de mon décollage d'Ibiza) et train, je regarderai quand je serai en région parisienne. Si seulement, je savais dans quel dossier c'est, je ferai un copier-coller de ce dossier.
J'ai mis exprès les étiquettes

*edit* après un vol Ibiza-Orly, j'ai bien eu le trafic visible avec adbs et ce fameux compte gratuit. C'est top, car ce plugin basé sur le traffic réel est un must pour moi.
Dernière édition:
LiveTraffic v3.1.0b - XP11 - XP12
18 septembre 2022

What's new in v3.1.0.b

Archive updated to 3.1.0b due to packaging issues resulting in plugin not loading.
Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.0.0:
  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:

  • NEW Advanced settings for increased flight data refresh interval when flying above a configurable height AGL; so that your OpenSky and ADS-B budgets last longer during cruise.
  • Removed A/c outdated timeout setting, now handled automatically.
  • Added #241 display of multi-stop routes instead of just origin/destination
  • Added #240 direct links to OpenSky for updating Aircraft Profile and Route information into the Aircraft List (new column "Update") and the Aircraft Information window, so you can quickly correct/add information in case you find it wrong/missing.
  • ADSBEx, RealTraffic: Reverted to using their barometric altitude fields as they have proven to be more reliable.
  • OpenSky settings: Allow to set username/password while channel is active
  • Gracefully handle zero-sized config file.
  • Universal Mac binary for native support of Apple Silicon with XP12.
    Conscious of file size, removed the Bionic Linux binary from the distribution.
Dernière édition:

LiveTraffic v3.1.1

What's New in Version 3.1.1:

Released 3 hours ago

This patch version fixes a RealTraffic issue only. If you aren't using the RealTraffic channel you can skip this version.
Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.1.0:
  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:
  • RealTraffic: Fix planes stuck to ground. See Support Thread for details.
    Note 1: Fix effective only with RealTraffic App 9.1.202 or later.
    Note 2: Root cause is a change in the RTTFC format definition, which also affects people feeding own data in RTTFC format to LiveTraffic: Field 6 has reversed meaning from a "Ground" flag to an "Airborne" flag, in line again with the AITFC format's definition of the same field. LiveTraffic's RTTFC Export has been adapted accordingly.
LiveTraffic v3.2

This change log is taken from the readme.html file of the installation package.

v3.2 Sound​

Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.


At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.2.0:

    • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:

    • Fixed #248 crash when manually loading CSL models from the CSL Package Paths settings.

    • Fixed audio crackling when new planes spawn.

    • Updated to XP12's latest weather model, considering correct wind layer as per plane's altitude for calculating heading correction, fixing #247 dataRef depreciation warnings.

    • Fixed an issue in loading airport layouts that prevented snapping to taxiways from working in some airports, e.g. KLAX.

    • Added "Refresh Interval" info to Status/Info page, indicating if reduced interval is active due to flying high.

    • XP12: Fixed sizes of small buttons like in Action column of Aircraft List

    • Linux binary keeps symbol info for better stack info in case of crashes, causing a slight increase in file size.


At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.1.x:

    • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl

    • win_x64/fmod.dll (new file)

    • Resources/Doc8643.txt
Change log:

    • Added sound for aircraft engines, reversers, taxiing, gear, flaps, controlled by a new Master Volume Basic Setting.

    • Message Window reimplemented, can now be moved, sized, popped out

    • Fixed Advanced Setting Live Data Refresh, so that any value is actually really applied. Also, switching to the longer refresh rate above a configured height AGL now works, no matter which Live Data Refresh is configured.

    • Fixed #245 aircraft removals due to ASSERT FAILED conditions.
LiveTraffic v3.2.2

This is a fixit release with no added functionality, but includes workarounds for issues on Mac and Linux that are still unsolved in XP12 release version.

Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.

At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.2.x:
  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:
  • Mac/XP12 only: Added workaround to avoid freeze upon TCAS activation due to XPD-13332, see here for details. You can activate TCAS again, also on startup.
  • Linux only: Added workaround to avoid freeze on some Linux distros due to FMOD incompatibilities, see XPMP2 issue #54 and support thread.
See here for full change log.

What's New in Version 3.3.1

Released 10 hours ago
Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.2.x:
  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:
  • RealTraffic: Sending simulator time to RealTraffic app, so that RealTraffic can send matching historic traffic (activate "Simulator controls time offset" in RealTraffic Advanced Settings).
    Have used this functionality to recreate the KJFK Runway Incursion scenario, see YouTube.
  • Fixed default for RealTraffic port (49005) on new installations.
  • Fixed XPMP2 #54 FMOD Error 36 by correctly calculating sound's spacial orientation.
See here for full change log.

What's New in Version 3.3.2

Mise à jour du 17 février 2023

Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.2.x:
  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:
  • Hotifx for RealTraffic channel turning "invalid": Larger receive buffer and ignore errors on the weather data as weather isn't critical

Live traffic v3.4.0

What's New in Version 3.4.0

14 mai 2023

Update: In case of doubt you can always just copy all files from the archive over the files of your existing installation.
At least copy the following files, which have changed compared to v3.3.2:

  • lin|mac|win_x64/LiveTraffic.xpl
Change log:
  • Added ADSBHub as input channel for tracking data, see documentation for details.
    Note: This is only for you if you operate an ADS-B receiver and are willing to share the data with ADSBHub.
  • Fixed a bug in TCAS slot handling that could cause many planes not to receive TCAS position updates any longer, impacting TCAS position and wake creation.
  • Aircraft List shows some position info even if plane is not (yet) displayed.
  • Fixed an issue with fetching weather info across the international date line.
  • XP12.04 and later: Sound is using X-Plane's FMOD system instead of creating its own. Should avoid freezes in some Linux setups on shutdown.
  • OpenSky: Identify some more objects as ground vehicles.
  • RealTraffic: Changed interpretation of altitude in preparation for RealTraffic v10
    Until RealTraffic v10 is published, altitudes of RealTraffic-controlled planes may be a little off.
  • Open Glider Network: More tolerant while interpreting messages, rejecting less often
  • ADSBEx/RealTraffic: Identifying if both channels feed the same non-ICAO codes, avoiding duplicate vehicle display
  • MacOS: Supports MacOS X 10.15 (Catalina) or higher in line with X-Plane 12 System Requirements