OrbitXP Xplane et SISMO


Salut à tous. Nous venons de lancer la V2 de OrbitXP pour les modules Sismo. Dans cette version, on lance pour la première fois le FWD. Vous pouvez télécharger et trouver plus d'informations sur notre site web.

Super , je vais enfin pouvoir me servir de l'overhead (2 ans et demi d'attente) ! (y) ... oh ! , il faut juste que j'achète les 2 cartes ethernet FWD et AFT ! :love:
V2.0 Key functions :
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V1.6.
  • First release of the FWD Overhead, including all the modules, but some functions still missing.
  • New Config file.
  • Some bugs of V1.6 have been amended.
  • OrbitXP User Manual Release 2. It will be copied in the programs folder or you can download it clicking here.
Mise à jour de OrbitXP v3

Tout le matériel Sismo est maintenant pris en charge pour le Zibo (sauf quelques fonctions de l'AFT à venir)

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V2.1.
  • First release of the AFT Overhead, including all the modules, but some functions still missing.
  • New Plugin V3.
  • Some bugs of V2.1 have been amended.
  • OrbitXP User Manual Release 2. It will be copied in the programs folder or you can download it clicking here.
A télécharger ici

C'est installé chez moi depuis son lancement, parfait.
Je vous souhaite une bonne année à tous! Nouvelle release de OrbitXP 3.3:

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V3.2.
  • ATC squawk number.
  • Solenid activation of the engines starter.
  • Switches of the retract lights.
  • New internal errors management.
  • OrbitXP User Manual Release 3. It will be copied in the programs folder or you can download it clicking here.
Merci !
J'essaie immédiatement ! ;) :LOL:
Dernière édition:
  • Switches of the retract lights.

    ça ne marche pas , les fixed lights non plus !
OrbtitXP V3.4.3

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V3.3.
  • Solved the bug of the Engine starter solenoid trigger.
  • Control of the gauges Bleed Duct Press L & R.
  • Improved the new internal errors management.
  • Detection of the X-Plane exit.
  • OrbitXP User Manual Release 3. It will be copied in the programs folder or you can download it clicking here.
Good morning ,

Several weeks ago, we have reported that we will start a new version of OrbitXP to be more compatible with X-Plane 12, but first we have to deliver SismoLink V1.7, which will be in the next days, in fact probably today V1.7.0 (beta version for new features) will be available. Therefore, we will start updating the current version of OrbitXP, always keeping in mind the limitations of X-Plane and Zibo in terms of the interface through datarefs.

The delivery date of the first beta of this new release will be communicated in our website and in this forum.

Sismo Customer Service

Therefore, we will start updating the current version of OrbitXP, always keeping in mind the limitations of X-Plane and Zibo in terms of the interface through datarefs.
Hi !

Thanks for this excellent information .

It could be very interesting for us to know what exactly mean "limitations or X-Plane and Zibo in terms of the interface through datarefs/commands .
What are you missing that prevents Sismo from having a fully functional connector?

The limitations regarding datarefs/commands have to do with the fact that not all buttons, rotaries, switches, annuciators, leds, pots, servos, etc. in Zibo have an associated dataref or command, so even if the Seismic modules are fully operational, it is not possible to establish communication with the Sim and all its functions. It is the same thing that happens with PMDG, not everything is operational. So far, the only fully operational software is Prosim, however with Zibo you have most of the necessary functions available through the interface to be able to use the simulator to full satisfaction, as with PMDG.

In the manuals are some of these limitatios already documented

Sismo Customer Service

The first beta of OrbitXP V5 for X-Plane is now available. It is a very preliminar release with the plug-in upgraded to X-Plane 12 and tested the functionality of MCP and EFIS. For recorded previous bugs and other modules it has not been still tested. Due to it is a preliminary beta, any feedback is welcome to info@sismo-soluciones.com


Sismo Customer Service
Hi !

Thanks , I will test this beta version right now ! :)
Dernière édition:
A new prebeta version of OrbitXP V5.1 updated for MCP/EFIS and FWD Overhead has been released

Hi !

Thank you for this OrbitXP new prebeta !

After a quick test , all panels are working as intended !

compared to OrbitXP with XP11 or XP12 :
on the Exterior Lights Control Panel Module (bottom panel) more switches are now active .
starting engines ON , no more yaw quirk (even if ON , returned to OFF in 3D cockpit)
brightness display intensity is not not adjustable even if it was modified in config.ini file ...

I will report by mail to be more precise this week .

MIP LIGHTS TEST ON successfull apart panels with common anode (not a Sismo issue , my mistake when ordered , old story !) .
As you can see , some are not lit on Pitot Heat panel , AC&DC Metering panel , Center panel , Exterior Door Annunciator (X-Plane 12)
OrbitXP V5.3 released 😍 :

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V5.2
  • RT VHF3 frequencies
  • RT VHF2 and VHF3 led activation
  • IRS Display brightness control throught knob
Voici ci dessous la réponse de Sismo après les quelques tests que j'ai fait avec l'overhead.

Je sais que @Playrec a envoyé aussi les résultats de ses propres tests.

Je les montre ici (avec l'accord de Sismo) si ça peut aider certains.

Lights Test
As noted previously, some annunciators are not available in the X-Plane 12 interface, so their status is not received and they cannot be controlled by OrbitXP, this is a limitation of Zibo. In the light test, we can include them by forcing them to turn on, but then they will not work in the Overhead, even if they turn on in the Zibo 738X and may confuse the user. It is better to leave this functionality as is and as they appear in the interface they are included in OrbitXP.

Note: It may also be that some annunciators have not found the name of the dataref where it is available, as there are hundreds of them.
Flood Light
The cockpit lights and backlight brightness are not connected with X-Plane, due to they are stand-alone modules to control the light. There is no connection between the pot located in the pedestal and the flood light, it requires a special connection not implemented. The pot for the flood light is located in the FWD Over
Left Engine Start rotary does nor turn to the center
OK, noted, to be analyzed asap
IRS rotary Test position
This is an issue that, although it seems simple, it is not. Zibo does not handle momentary switches and pushbuttons from the interface. Although it has commands for these components in the interface, when they are sent, Zibo receives them, but it is not visible in the user interface, in some cases it does not even register that they have been activated, especially for pushbuttons. In the case of OrbitXP they do work, but we had to devise a special way and we have succeeded. We don't know if others have managed it, but it's not easy and that's why OrbitXP offers almost all the functionality that Zibo has. How much all this, because the position “Test” of the rotary is momentary and therefore on the basis of the explained, Zibo receives the command from OrbitXP, but does nothing. We have to change the logic, when we study it, we will see if it is possible.

A new version of orbitxp V5.3.1 is now available. It includes improvements to the AFT Overhead and Pedestal. Updated OrbitXP plug-in V5.2


Lights TestAFT Over: Included ENGINE CONTROL 1, ENGINE CONTROL 2 annunciators and Slats in Test
Left Engine Start rotary does nor turn to the centerStill pending analysis
IRS rotary Test positionIncluded in release V5.3.1, it requires to update the plugin

Note: In addition to the new functionality listed in the table above, there are other improvements, please read the readme.txt file for more information.

Sismo Customer Service
Sismo is developing a virtual FMC/CDU compatible with X-Plane12 and Zibo 738X. It will be able to be run from any computer networked with the computer where X-Plane12 is running.
It will be available as a free service within OrbitXP for those users who have a module controlled by the Ethernet SimCards.
In the future we will analyze the possibility of extending the service to PMDG through SismoLink.
The availability date will be announced in a few weeks.

The beta version of Virtual SismoFMC is now available for X-Plane 12 and Zibo 738. This service is free of charge and requires OrbitXP V5.4, for customers who have any of the Plug&Fly Sismo modules.
Key characteritics:
- Text only white. Color will be available in a near future
- X-Plane 12 and Zibo
- PMDG and ProSim before end of 2024.
VirtualFMC facebook1.jpg
Good moning,
Thank you very much for the comment, absolutely, in fact we have released this first version as a preliminary step to the tablet and touch screen version, which is a valid and cheaper option than the real CDU.
@sismosol !

Hi , thanks for this "update" but it doesn't work at all for me !

There is other issues with the version before Orbitxp V5.3.1.

I will do more investigations this week and will report by mail to you .

One thing I would like to ask is the ability to disable a panel without disconnecting it from the baseplate (software only) .

Thanks .
Good morning,

We have not been able to reproduce the bug that comes up on your machine. in the tests we have performed on our installations, they are always satisfactory. Note that the config.ini file has new fields, if you have replaced it with an older version, then this may be the problem, make sure you have the following lines in the config.ini:

CDU_PORT = 60819

Although this is an obvious test, please re-download the OrbitXP 5.4 version and re-install it

orbitxp 5.4.jpg
@sismosol !

Hi , thanks for this "update" but it doesn't work at all for me !

There is other issues with the version before Orbitxp V5.3.1.

I will do more investigations this week and will report by mail to you .

One thing I would like to ask is the ability to disable a panel without disconnecting it from the baseplate (software only) .

Thanks .
Good morning,

Regarding other problems with OrbitXP V5.3.1 version, when you have them, please send them to us by email so we can analyze them.

Regarding the possibility to deactivate a panel without disconnecting it from the motherboard (software only), we understand that what you want is that in OrbitXP you have the possibility to control or not the different panels of a module, please confirm it to us.
It would be interesting if you tell us for what purpose you need this function.

Hi !
Regarding other problems with OrbitXP V5.3.1 version, when you have them, please send them to us by email so we can analyze them.

After removing all OrbitXP app/zip and downloading v5.4 again , the first launch did not work because of IPv6 issue (X-Plane prompt) ; after PC reboot , everything is almost OK apart known isssues (Laminar Datarefs/Commands ignored)

Will report issues with v5.4 ...

Regarding the possibility to deactivate a panel without disconnecting it from the motherboard (software only), we understand that what you want is that in OrbitXP you have the possibility to control or not the different panels of a module, please confirm it to us.
It would be interesting if you tell us for what purpose you need this function.
Will tell why it could be useful , at least for me ! 🙂