Salut Daniel ,
sur le mcp , tu peux accéder directement au backlight en pressant N1 et en tournant l'encodeur : Speed
pour les afficheurs 7 segments , presser N1 et tourner l'encodeur Course (le gauche à coté du N1)
les modules connectés devraient suivre comme indiqué dans le manuel ...
To change the display brightness hold pushed the N1 button and rotates the Left Course knob; to regulate the backlight brightness hold pushed the N1 button and rotates the SPEED knob. The MCP keep the regulation in its working memory, data are saved in a non-volatile memory when the MCP switch-off (data are not saved if you disconnect the MCP power supply during the normal running).
External backlight control (see Fig.1 item accepts input from steady position switch (ON/OFF). Note that the MCP backlight also affects the backlight of the connected modules (if an'y). To use the external backlight control set the related preference to œON in the preferences setting (see œCONFIGURATION MODE section).
When the MCP is normal running (starts with Project Magenta, PMDG or in test mode using the CPflight test software) you can on-fly set the display and backlight brightness. This function is not available if the related preferences are settled "On" in the configuration menu (see above œCONFIGURATION MODE section).
manuel mcp 737el
il faut aussi regarder dans le menu configuration :
DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS CONTROL: Setting this function to œOFF (default) the display brightness can be regulated during the normal functioning as described above (see œON-FLY DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS AND BACKLIGHT REGULATION). Setting this function to œON interdict the on-fly display brightness regulation.