FS20 SismoLink pour MSFS

inside SismoLink there is a functionality to check inputs/outs and displays (Albatross Service).
Hi !

Can I ask here a feature request to be able to save displays and leds intensity after adjustments with intended sliders ? or a way to have it ajustable into the config.init file ?

Hi !

Can I ask here a feature request to be able to save displays and leds intensity after adjustments with intended sliders ? or a way to have it ajustable into the config.init file ?

Bonjour Playrec,

OK, noted, but the light intensity only can be adjusted in the displays. The light of the leds and annunciators is fixed

Sismo Customer Service
Good morning,

There is a new release of SismoLink (V1.6.2) that includes the following functionality:
  • Reconnection improvement with FS2020
  • Displays brightness control through config.ini file requested by Frederic. (for further details see manual V1.4)
  • ACP leds and pushbuttons
  • Predelivery release for gauges control (beta non-operative)

Regarding the issue with the NAV, reported by Flaps14, has not been detected. Our equipment works properly, therefore it could be a particular issue with his equipment. Next step, could be a remote connection with Flaps14's equipment to try to investigate the causes, but it has to be planned with our technicians.
Dernière édition:

SismoLink V1.7.3 already available with some improvements: https://sismo-soluciones.com/index.php?id_cms=28&controller=cms
