ADD LittleNavMap

Hello, me revoilà...

Le problème semble venir de l'existence de plusieurs versions de LittleNavMap :
selon votre simu (et sa version), il faudra charger une LNM en 64bits ou en 32bits !
Bien examiner l'écran qui propose le téléchargement (je poste "de mémoire")
J'ai eu le même problème et c'est en retéléchargeant LNM que je me suis aperçu de la différence.

Little Navmap Downloads​

Little Navmap is free. Ask for a refund if you have paid for it.

Only download Little Navmap from these trusted places:
or one of the alternative download locations above.
Third-party download sites are beyond my control, may offer outdated versions, and might be compromised.

Latest Stable Release​

► Windows 64-bit (MSFS and X-Plane) -
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.10.tar.gz

Other Versions: Windows 32-bit (only for FSX and P3D) -, Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.10.tar.gz.

Bons vols

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LittleNavMap 3.04

This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and adds
improvements as well as new features.

Notable changes:

  • direct to waypoint function
  • search refined and simplified
  • convert procedure to waypoints for editing
  • route description using runways and approaches
  • load and save aircraft trail as GPX
  • search in options dialog window, hints in options
  • wind in runway and procedure selection
  • install Little Xpconnect from menu Tools
  • crash and issue reports
  • colored aircraft trail and more.

Also update Little Navconnect and Little Xpconnect if you're using one of them.
Little Navmap will show a notification dialog if you use an outdated version of Little Xpconnect.
You can update and install Little Xpconnect from the menu Tools in Little Navmap now.
Little Navmap will show a reminder to reload the scenery library databases to get improvements.

Direct Download​

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.4-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-3.0.4.tar.gz

Other Versions:
► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.4-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-3.0.4.tar.gz

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.4 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations

Mise à jour Little Navmap v3.0.8 (7 juillet 2024)

  • This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes several bugs and crashes and adds a few improvements and new features.
  • The program translations for Brazilian Portuguese, French, German and Italian as well as the user manual have been updated.
  • macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.
  • Reload the scenery library to see fixes like the duplicate COM frequencies for MSFS airports.
A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Direct Download

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.8-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.8.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.8-1_amd64.deb

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.8-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.8.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.8-1_amd64.deb

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.8 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations

See the included CHANGELOG.txt or HERE online for a complete list across all versions.
Et à chaque changement ou ajout n'oubliez pas de mettre à jour la bibliothèque de vos scènes par l'onglet Bibliothèque de scènes .. !

Little Navmap 3.0.9 released​

Direct Download​

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.9-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.9.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.9-1_amd64.deb

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.9-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.9.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.9-1_amd64.deb

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.9 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations


This is a stable release of Little Navmap which fixes a few issues and provides better error reporting for crashes. New features and small improvements are planned for the next release 3.0.10.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9​

  • Fixed issue where NOAA and X-Plane 12 weather stations were not updated and showed outdated weather.
  • Installer now removes all Dutch, Chinese and Spanish compiled .qm translation files before installing. These translations have not been updated for a long time which can cause problems in the user user interface. The resulting issues range from arrows pointing into the wrong direction to missing texts and numbers. You can still install the translations manually if you wish by downloading the related *.qm files from GitHub - littlenavmap - release/3.0 and saving them in the directory translations in the installation folder. Contact me if you’d like to update a translation or if you would like to create a new one: Contact.
  • Attempt to fix crashes for the web server when accessing databases resulting in a crash.
  • Fixed issue where program could be started more than once if stuck in an early warning or question dialog window. This could result in crashes and other problems.
  • Now collecting detailed location information on crashes (stack traces). Note that this is only enabled for the Windows 64-bit version. Other operating systems already have means to collect crash information (Linux core files and macOS crash reports). A file C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ABarthel\little_navmap_stacktrace.txt is created on crash and included in all generated crash reports.
  • Other small text changes in the user interface.
  • Updates to user manual.
  • Little Navconnect: See file CHANGELOG.txt in sub-directory Little Navconnect in the installation folder for a list of changes.
See the included CHANGELOG.txt or here online for a complete list across all versions.

Little Navmap 3.0.11 released​

Direct Download​

► Windows 64-bit Installer (MSFS and X-Plane) - LittleNavmap-win64-3.0.11-Install.exe
► macOS -
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.11.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 22.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-22.04-3.0.11-1_amd64.deb

Other Versions:

► Windows 32-bit Installer (only for FSX and P3D) - LittleNavmap-win32-3.0.11-Install.exe
► Linux (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04 for Debian or older systems) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.11.tar.xz
► Linux Debian Installation Package (64 bit, based on Ubuntu 20.04) - LittleNavmap-linux-ubuntu-20.04-3.0.11-1_amd64.deb

Zipped Windows releases without installer are available in the alternative download locations below or from the release assets at GitHub - Little Navmap Releases - Version 3.0.11 (scroll down to Assets).

Alternative Download Locations - Look into sub-folders for beta, development or release candidates:

Alternative Download Locations


This is a stable release of Little Navmap that fixes many issues and adds some new features.

This update is recommended for all users.

macOS users: Keep in mind that you have to clear the quarantine flag when updating Little Xpconnect. See Clearing the Quarantine Flag on macOS.

The program will remind you to reload the scenery library due to database changes. This is optional.

A big thank you to all who reported bugs and issues!

Changes from 3.0.9 to 3.0.11​

Flight Plan​

  • Now adding airport, parking or other start positions to the flight plan once connected to the simulator with an empty plan. This function can be disabled in options on page Files.
  • Now removing any alternate airport if the same airport is set as destination or if it is added otherwise to the flight plan.
  • Added option to disable minor error messages about missing parking spots in flight plan. Note that the settings for flight plan header and footer are reset to default.
  • Enabled reading and writing of NAT notation in flight plan route description. This fixes issues when downloading a flight plan using North Atlantic tracks from SimBrief or using the notation in the flight plan route description. Example: NATA is converted to NAT track A. #1110
  • Fixed issue with dropped airway information. This affected plans that have only one leg between departure and arrival. As a result an airway was dropped on saving, exporting and using it in the flight plan route description. Example: SBRJ EVKO3A.NAXOP UZ45 IBDA1A SBSP resulted in SBRJ EVKO3A.NAXOP IBDA1A SBSP. #1130
  • Fixed issue where parking spots could not be found resulting in an error message after reloading a flight plan when using the option Use Navigraph for all Features.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Made GPX file detection more tolerant. Now showing a warning if the GPX file does not contain any track points.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Flight plan route description is now updated after downloading or deleting oceanic tracks.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Now updating flight plan route description after switching simulator.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Corrected wrong error message File does not contain track points when loading GPX files.


  • Added export format for FlightFactor Boeing 777 V2. This is a FMS format file with procedures stripped since the aircraft rejects loading FMS files with procedures.
  • Fixed issue where RealityXP GNS export declared the destination airport wrongly as a userpoint when using export option with userpoints.
  • Now using ISO date with offset from UTC in all flight plan files.

Elevation Profile​

  • Increased number of samples when calculating elevation from GLOBE data to avoid missing peaks when drawing the elevation profile.
  • Added option for indicated altitude label to elevation profile. Enable this in menu Tools -> Elevation Profile Display Options in branch User Aircraft Labels -> Indicated Altitude.
  • Fixed wrong label description in profile configuration dialog mentioning wrongly Actual Altitude.


  • Added function to decrease and increase the density of labels on the map. This is available in the detail toolbar button, menu Map, Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Wheel, Ctrl+Shift++ and Ctrl+Shift+-.
  • Added US VFR and IFR chart map themes.
  • Added option to show heading to departure runway position using a dashed line with arrows. This can be disabled in menu View -> Show Direction to Departure Runway. This line is drawn from the departure parking or aircraft position (if connected) and disappears when arriving at the runway or when taking off.
  • User and AI aircraft now drawn on top of user features like measurement lines or range rings.
  • Userpoints related to navaids like VOR now use the same size as the real navaids. Size of userpoints and navaids still can be changed separately in options. This affects airport, VOR, NDB, waypoint, Obstacle and VRP userpoints. The last three are based on the waypoint size. #1179
  • Improved display of procedure turn instructions. Reduced distance for turn leg to fix for a more realistic value. Extended stub leg for turn towards runway and removed distance display for this leg. Added missing restriction text for procedure turns.
  • Fixed alignment of procedure end or start for displaced simulator airport runways compared to the navdata. Example: ENOL on all simulators.
  • Approach runway position now correctly terminated at offset threshold.
  • First SID leg is now aligned with runway to avoid it being drawn all over the airport in some cases.
  • Better distance estimate for procedure legs terminated by altitude. Now considering altitude.
  • Fixed disappearing user aircraft tooltip after automatic trail truncation.
  • Fixed potential crash when truncating short aircraft trail and applied more optimizations for display.
  • Fixed issues with labels on long measurement lines and flight plan legs. Lines flipped direction arrows at certain zoom values.
  • Fixed issue where Great Circle airspace boundaries were drawn as a straight lines in some cases.
  • Improved display of airspaces that touch the poles.
  • Fixed issue where settings of some airspace types were not saved or applied. Note that airspace options are reset to default on update.
  • Added option to disable taxiway lines and names. These can be changed in options on page Map Labels in branch Airport Details. Note that airport display options are reset to default.
  • Fixes for menu Tools -> Reset Display Settings. These now affect only map display options in menu View.
  • Setting Load the map display saved settings on options page Startup and Updates now affects the same options as View -> Reset Display Settings now. This is map theme, map projection and detail levels as well.
  • Fixed issue where userpoints were not reset correctly when using Reset Display Settings.
  • Added shortcut Ctrl+C to copy coordinates at the cursor position in the map window to the clipboard. Note that you have to activate the map window by pressing F2 or clicking into it before using any shortcuts there.
  • Disabled Shift/Ctrl/Alt+Left/Right/up/Down keys for map scrolling to avoid shorcuts overlapping with operating system functions.
  • Fixed inadvertent movement or zooming on map display when using mouse wheel, keyboard shortcuts containing +, - or cursor keys.
  • Now stopping map drawing on overflow of highlighted map objects (e.g. selected navaids in the search result table) from search to avoid program freeze.
  • Fixed issue where the Too many objects message in the status bar was not reset in some cases.
  • Fixed missing tooltip for waypoints highlighted on the map which were selected in the navaid search result table.
  • Fixed issue where navaids like recommended fixes from flight plan procedures did not react to a single or double click.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Save Map as Image for AviTab now uses PNG as the default format since JPG may cause crashes.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issue where images can be saved using the wrong format ignoring selection in the format drop down box. Now always adding file suffix according to image type.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issue where wrong coordinates were used when selecting More -> Jump to Coordinates in map context menu.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issue where procedures zoomed too far out when showing in procedure search. This was caused due to too far away recommended navaids like GCC/K1 for KASE SID 33 LINDZ1.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Splitting large aircraft trails into partitions for better performance and to avoid crashes.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed memory leak when drawing lines.

Scenery Library​

  • Fixed crash with older databases having table airport without columns icao and iata.
  • Removed obsolete and unused tables. Tables airport_medium, airport_large, route_node_radio, route_edge_radio, route_node_airway and route_edge_airway. View creation in database now disabled. Note that this means that newer databases cannot be used by Little Navmap versions older than releases from around 2020. The program will show a SQL exception if this is the case. Update Little Navmap to the latest if you run into this.
  • Better detection of the longest runway for airports. Now ignoring water runways if airport has both water and land runways.
  • Added waypoint names to X-Plane and DFD compilers. #1176
  • Updated track database schema to avoid incomplete waypoint information display. #1176
  • Disabled 3D flag for empty airport display for X-Plane 12 since the 3D flag is unreliable and broken there. Major airports like KSEA, KORD or EDDF do not have this flag set.
  • Fixed wrong airport bounding rectangle calculation for X-Plane airports. Example: KSEA in X-Plane 12. This resulted in zooming to far out when double clicking the airport.
  • Fixed issue where detection of malformed MSFS airports rejected valid airport add-ons with a message Duplicate airport ident. This happened when add-on developers put more than one of the same airport into one BGL file.
  • Better airspace geometry for Navigraph databases, airspaces read from simulator libraries and user files. Now considering Rhumb line segments in DFD airspace description. Note that a workaround is used to detect the segments for simulator and user airspaces since required information is missing there. This eliminates wrong airspace boundaries drawn as bows (Great Circle lines). Note that this needs a new AIRAC cycle if using the Navigraph update.
  • Fixed duplicate reading of X-Plane airspace.txt resulting in airspaces shown twice. The file airspace.txt in Custom Data now correctly overrides the one in Resources.
  • Updated minor database version to 29 due to several schema changes. This results in a notice about a previous database version although reloading is not required.
  • Fixed issue with double and invalid COM frequencies for MSFS airports when using MSFS Navigraph update.
  • From 3.0.10.rc1 to 3.0.11: Fixed issues reading MSA centers for X-Plane where runways were not detected. Now also looking for center points of ILS.