XP Terrain Radar


Terrain Radar V1.24

  1. Added settings window
  2. Added minimum empty weight property
  3. Boeing 737-800 by Zibo:
    - Added support for LevelUp modification
    - Plugin now detects the aircraft version using the "version.txt" file and tries to support older aircraft versions if possible
    - Version 3.45.3 and above:
    - INBD DU BRT (inner) adjusts terrain brightness
    - INBD DU BRT (outer) adjusts VSD brightness
    - Version 3.45.5 and above:
    - Disabled PTV, because Zibo draws its own PTV
    - Fixed TERR INHIBIT mode
  4. Boeing 787 by Magknight
    - Supported two versions:
    - Old version (AE 1.4, 1.5, VMAX787)
    - New version (AE 1.6.7+, need support from aircraft)
  5. Boeing 787 by Magknight (1.6.7+):
    - Added support for TERR button
    - Terrain works only if IRS is aligned
    - Fixed brightness
Pour bien préciser tous les avions compatibles avec Terrain Radar , voici la liste au 7 février 2021 :

X-Plane version: X-Plane 10 32/64-bit. - X-Plane 11 64-bit - OS version: Windows, Linux and MacOS

Supported airplanes (integration mode):
  • Boeing 737-800 by Zibo (XP11, v3.42+) and Boeing 737-900 Ultimate (XP11)
    Both displays work independently
    TERR button turns the radar ON or OFF
    CTR switch in MAP mode: MAP EXP -> MAP CTR -> MAP CTR + VSD
    Vertical Situation Display
    Terrain collision prediction
  • Addition options:
    Draw Position Trend Vector - 1, 2, 3 segments. Each segment represents 30 seconds
    GPWS system test
  • Boeing x737-700/800 by EADT (XP10, XP11, v5.4+)
    TERR buttons supported, EXP or CTR mode
    Both displays work independently
  • Boeing 737-800 default (XP11) - both ND, TERR buttons supported
  • Boeing 747-400 default (XP11) - both ND, TERR buttons supported
  • Bell 429 by timber61 (XP10, XP11, version 1.0+) - all displays, look at the screenshot to find the TERR button
  • Boeing 777-200LR/200F/200ER/300ER by FlightFactor
    WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
    Terrain alert text messages on ND
    Terrain turns on during terrain alert
  • Boeing C-17 Globemaster III by Virtavia
    WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
    Terrain alert text message on PFD and HUD
    Terrain turns on during terrain alert
  • Gulfstream G-IV SP by ghansen - both ND (radar ON/OFF in radar menu or by hot key)
  • Cirrus SR20 G1000 by vFlyteAir (XP11, v2.4+)
  • Embraer E175/E195 by X-Crafts (XP11 only, v2.3+)
    Terrain on MFD - Terrain menu
    VSD on MFD - VSD button on MCP
    FMC waypoints on VSD (both Tekton and default FMC)
    Terrain alert text messages on ND
    Terrain turns on during terrain alert
  • Embraer ERJ135/140/145/145XR + Legacy 650 by X-Crafts (XP11)
    Terrain Radar
    VSD (inculded FMC waypoints)
    Terrain alert text messages on ND
    Terrain turns on during terrain alert
  • Bombardier Challenger 300 by ddenn
  • Dornier Do228 100 HD SERIES by Carenado - WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
  • Bombardier Dash8-Q400 by FlyJSim (XP10, XP11) - WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
  • Falcon 7X by After (version for XP10 only) - radar ON/OFF in radar menu or by hot key
  • Tupolev Tu-2XX by Pilot-Sanya (only for test purposes, because plane is under development)
  • Boeing 787 by Magknight (XP11, v.1.6.7+)
    TERR button turns the radar ON or OFF
    Terrain alert text messages on ND
    Terrain turns on during terrain alert
  • Boeing 787-900 by Magknight (XP11, v.1.04+ from xorg store)
    WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
    Terrain alert text messages on ND
    Terrain turns on during terrain alert
  • Boeing 787 by VMAX (XP11 v1.03)
    WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
  • Antonov An-148 by JARDesign (XP10, XP11, v1.1) - WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
  • McDonnell Douglas MD-82 default (XP11) - WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> WXR -> none
  • McDonnell Douglas MD-80 by Rotate (XP10, XP11)
    Use MAP mode in radar. Thanks to Rotate team for cooperation!
  • Embraer EMB110 Bandeirante by Dreamfoil (XP11, v3.2+)
    Wx button in radar On/Ldg mode
  • Pilatus PC-12 HD Series by Carenado (XP11, unofficial)
    Beechcraft King Air B200 HD Series by Carenado
    Beechcraft King Air C90 HD Series by Carenado
    Beechcraft B1900 HD Series by Carenado

    Use LB5 button on Avidyne to change terrain modes
    Note: added virtual button, sorry for some graphic glitches
  • Piaggio P.180 Avanti II by Airfighter
    PFD and MFD - TERR/WX button
    Note: WXR disables TR on both displays. This is aircraft limitation
  • Boeing 747-400 by YesAviation (XP11) - both ND, TERR buttons supported
    Note: right now this is almost the same as default B747-400, but I added new aircraft description for the future compatibility
  • Boeing 717-200 by drwindows (the plane is in development)
  • Airbus A300-600 by iniSimulations
    Use TERR buttons, both NDs work independently
Bonjour RoRo, le plugin fonctionne pour zhsi. Pour la version de zhsi c'est 2.8.9 la dernière.
En ce qui concerne ton problème pense à mettre un nouveau plugin de zhsi dans ressource /plugin de x-plane
Je confirme ce que dit Dominique ; j'ai effectué un vol hier de LFMN à LOWI sans soucis (ZHSI 2.8.9 et Terrain Radar v1.24.1 avec Zibo v3.46.1)

Terrain Radar v1.26

5 juillet 2021 :
  1. Added support for Boeing 747 Sparky (requires the latest version of the plane from Github)
    - Independent terrain display on left and right NDs
    - Supported ND on lower EICAS display
    - Terrain brightness adjusts by INBD CRT inner knob
    - TERR OVRD button - disables terrain prediction and terrain display
  2. Fixed some datarefs issues
  3. Fixed detection of Embraer ERJ family by X-Crafts

Terrain radar + Vertical Situation Display 1.27

Disponible :

Released October 9 - 1.27
  1. Added support for Airbus A300 Classic B2-200 by ASSP Team (version 1.1+)
  2. Fixed some minor issues
Terrain Radar v1.28

26 mars 2022
  • Boeing 787 by Magknight (v1.7.38+)
    - Added support for the new displays
    - Terrain treat detection disabled if power is off
  • Boeing 747 Sparky
    - Terrain treat detection disabled if power is off
  • Boeing 737-800 by Zibo:
    - FMS legs count increased to 256
Terrain Radar v1.29
xp10 - xp11 - xp12

10 octobre 2022

Release Notes for v1.29 :
  1. Some fixes for X-Plane 12
  2. Added support for the upcoming Embraer E-Jets Family by X-Crafts (yet to be released)
  3. Added support for Cessna Citation C-560XL by AirSim3D
    - WXR/TERR button
  4. Added support for Bombardier Dash-8 Q400 by Manky1
    - WXR/TERR button sequence: WXR -> TERR -> none
  5. Added support for Airbus A318 by X-Bureau (in beta now)
    - Independent terrain display on left and right NDs
    - Supported ARC and CTR map modes
    - Supported TERR ON ND buttons
  6. Added support for default Airbus A330 (XP12)
    - TERR ON ND buttons for both display
    - Special thanks to Austin for the support!
  7. Added support for default Boeing 737-800 (XP12)
    - Independent terrain displays for left and right NDs
    - TERR buttons for both displays
  8. Fixed bug with settings window on multi-monitor systems
  9. McDonnell Douglas MD-80 default (XP11, XP12):
    - Fixed terrain scale on left ND
    - Note: right ND not supported yet
Dernière édition:
Terrain Radar v1.29.1
  1. Hotfix for default Airbus A330 beta9
  2. Added option "Magenta terrain on bad terrain data" (XP12 only)
    Note: the real EGPWS can display magenta terrain in areas that are not in the terrain DB. So we decided do add this feature. But you can disable it per aircraft in the plugin's settings.
Terrain Radar v1.30
12 decembre 2022

  1. Added support for Apple Silicon
  2. Added support for GLF550 by AKD Studio (aircraft version 1.0.4, both XP11 and XP12 versions)
    Independent terrain display on left and right displays
    Vertical Situation Display
  3. Some improvements for X-Plane 12

Terrain Radar v1.31
What's New in Version 1.31

Released 5 hours ago
  1. Added list of ignored aircrafts: JAR, Toliss, etc. So that the plugin does not interfere with the operation of their own systems
  2. Added feature: plugin will ignore the plane if the file "ignored.terrain_radar_descr" is found in plane's folder
  3. Fixed incompatibility issue with Reshade
  4. Removed support for Airbus A330 by Laminar Research (XP12)