XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Hello, depuis cette version et après install de son 1er patch, j’ai un APU FAULT. Impossible de démarrer le ZIBO (APU)… corrections des pannes (xplane et EFB) effectuées, redémarrage, etc. . Rien n’y fait.
Je vais revoir ça demain.
Est-ce le Master caution et le témoin APU du sixpack s'allument aussi ?
Normalement ils le devraient.
Batterie affiche 24-28V?
Attendre 5 minutes (FAULT doit s'éteindre) avant tout nouvel essai.
Merci Jack, je regarde ça demain. Fred, j’ai bien mis le patch 4.02.01. Pour info, il y a 2 jours j’ai mis xplane 12 à jour, y compris les versions Beta (je sais, c’est risqué… je suis informaticien…) afin de résoudre le décrochage insupportable du VNAV et le problème du Park brake qui ne fonctionnait qu’une seule fois. En fait, je devais relancer xplane et le zibo si je voulais faire fonctionner le Park brake à nouveau (…peu importe l’intérêt…). Depuis, je n’ai plus plus de soucis et je n‘ai quasiment plus de décrochage du VNAV.
Donc, le problème de l’alarme « Fault » dé l’APU est arrivé aujourd’hui, juste après avoir mis à jour le zibo. J’ai bien supprimé l‘ancien ZIBO avant de descendre la full puis j’ai mis le patch. Aurais-je touché à quelque chose d’autre sans le vouloir dans l’EFB par exemple… je ne sais pas.
merci à vous deux, bonne nuit et à demain pour la suite des événements.
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.02:
- new engine model and updated flight model (not finished yet, in progress...)
- fixed bugs and improvement systems, particle effects,...

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.03:
- improved touchdown particle effect

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
malgré toutes les mises à jour (xplane 12, scripts, LUA, ZIBO) mon zibo ne parvient toujours pas à respecter les altitudes et les vitesses alors que VNAV, LNAV, F/D (les deux), A/T et CMD A sont allumés. Les FMS sont alimentés par l’export SIMBRIEF (b738x). Si quelqu’un accepte de m’appeler je transmets mon tel en MP (j’ai déjà dérangé FRED et je ne veux pas le faire souffrir trop souvent). Merci à vous. Je manque de connaissances pour m’en sortir. seul.


PS: Aucune réponse reçue. Merci tiout de même, j’y suis parvenu finalement…
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.04:
- fixed ground idle fuel flow

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.06:
- fixed bugs (pressurization,...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***


Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.05:
- updated flight model and engine model ; climb phase (still in progress...)

Zibo a pris le fuselage du 737-800 de Laminar et , avec l'aide du Team , il a modifié le code pour l'adapter aux nouvelles contraintes physiques ...
Prochaine étape en dehors des bugs , phase de vol en palier une fois l'altitude de croisière atteinte .

Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.07:
- updated engine mode

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.08:
- fixed bugs (required thrust on EICAS, low level protection,....)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.09:
- updated flight model and engine model
- fixed bugs (pressurization system, particles,...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.10:
- updated engine model

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.11:
- updated engine model
- fixed bugs (thrust mode when VNAV armed and then engaged, A/T,...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Il y aura des updates réguliers jusqu'à ce que le Team Zibo termine les ajustements du modèle de vol , des réglages moteurs , des bugs systèmes dus aux changements que Laminar a effectué tout récemment ...

Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.12:
- updated engine model
- fixed bugs (systems,...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.13:
- updated engine model and fixed bugs

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.14:
- updated engine model and fixed bugs

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
B738X XP12 4.02.15:
- updated engine model and flight control

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.16:
- updated engine model and flight control

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.17:
- updated engine model and fixed bugs

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.18:
- fixed bugs (GEN 2,...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.19:
- fixed bugs and improved ground handling

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.20:
- fixed bugs (ground handling,...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.21:
- improved systems and fixed bugs

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.22:
- improved systems and fixed bugs (APU, AP, EICAS, electric system...)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.23:
- updated engine model
- add animated knobs (and commands) for weather radar

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
ZibonB738X XP12 4.02.24:
- fixed missing manipulators (control spots)

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
Zibo B738X XP12 4.02.25:
- updated engine model
- add failure for EEC - flight data input, EEC fail
- modeled all EEC modes (normal, soft alternate, auto hard alternate, manual hard alternate)
- fixed bugs

Additional Information:
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
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