ADD ATC Chatter

FS-ATC Chatter : OS: Windows 7 or above - Simulators: FSX, FSX Steam Edition, P3D V1 – V5, MSFS 2020

Salut @Speed8 , tu peux contacter Mark Cellis si tu as besoin , il se fera un plaisir de te répondre !
FS-ATC Chatter : OS: Windows 7 or above - Simulators: FSX, FSX Steam Edition, P3D V1 – V5, MSFS 2020

Salut @Speed8 , tu peux contacter Mark Cellis si tu as besoin , il se fera un plaisir de te répondre !
merci beaucoup, en effet ,très réactif...Mark,
J'ai donc installé, démarré P3D/ProSim System/le logiciel ATC, qui m'indique un status "connecté", mais, pas de controlleurs à LFMN.....
Essais, après le déjeuner,
Bon app,
Voilà tt est ok à présent, je recommande ce logiciel
Dernière édition:
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.1 Beta 3 is ready:

The initial purpose of the beta is to have a version that is built with the new X-Plane 12 SDK so that when X-Plane 12 is introduced we will have a version of X-ATC-Chatter that will work with it. We will also add some enhancements as we go along.

Download from

Release Notes for B3:
  • Fix a bug injected with beta 2 where other plugins using OpenAL could affect the way X-ATC Chatter operated. This should work well now on all platforms and processor architectures .
1.7.1 should continue to work fine on X-Plane 11 so if you run into any problems please report them.
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.1 Beta 5 is ready:


The initial purpose of the beta is to have a version that is built with the new X-Plane 12 SDK so that when X-Plane 12 is introduced we will have a version of X-ATC-Chatter that will work with it. We will also add some enhancements as we go along.

Download from

Release Notes for B5

  • Fixed missing OpenAL library for Linux builds
Beta 4 and earlier had a problem where the X-ATC-Chatter Linux xpl would not load due to a missing reference to the OpenAL library.

Report any odd behavior.

1.7.1 should continue to work fine on X-Plane 11 so if you run into any problems please report them.

Known Problems

None that I know of

What's Next

  • Potentially switch to a different audio library as OpenAL is getting a bit long in the tooth
  • Some TBD enhancements
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.1 Beta 9

Release Notes for B9
  • Used a better random number generator for chatter pauses and greetings/salutations
  • Improved chatter delay on frequency change
  • Fixed bugs where RNAV approaches were not getting populated
  • Add LDA approaches
  • Add support for Amazon Polly voices on OSX and Linux
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if you had the max chatter delay set to zero
X-ATC Chatter 1.7.1B12

Release Notes for B12
  • Added ILS course to the navaid hint
  • Fixed a bug where the Listen button for the Departure / Arrival text-to-speech test would cause a crash on Linux when you did not have Amazon Polly voices configured
  • Added a warning when the X-Plane 12 option “ATC Auto Tunes Radios” is enabled and the integration option “Use X-Plane ATC” is not enabled.
If you are OSX or Linux and want to try the Amazon Polly voices follow the instructions in the SAPI Voices OSX & Linux section of the User guide. This is very new so if you run into issues let me know.

The STAR and Vector code is a bit complex so if you run into a problem I need to be able to reproduce it. You can help by making sure that on the X-ATC-Chatter settings Miscellaneous Tab you enable debug logging. If you run into an issue please provide the following:

  • A screenshot of the Flight Plan Tab
  • A copy of the file X-ATC-Chatter/X-ATC-Chatter.ini
  • Your log.txt file
  • Let me know if you are using a Navigraph subscription or just the default X-Plane nav data
  • Any thoughts on how to reproduce the issue
Report any odd behavior.

1.7.1 should continue to work fine on X-Plane 11 so if you run into any problems please report them.
X-ATC Chatter 1.7.1 beta14

Release Notes for B14

  • Added support for detecting when clip updates have been posted
  • Switched clip updates to use HTTP protocol instead of FTP
  • Fixed a bug where the speed check was using the Pilot Altimeter rather than true altitude

Need help testing updates in X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.1 Beta 14 :

For those of you that are a bit technical, I could use some help testing the clip updates in Beta 14. In beta 14 I'm now using HTTP vs FTP to get the clips. I also added retry support so if we get a download failure it will try five times before giving up.

The way we can test this is to delete a bunch of clips from one or more of the controller folders and do a check-for-updates and make sure it replaces the ones you deleted reliably. When you test this do not delete the folder structure as the clip update process does not create new folders, it assumes they were there as part of the installation. You will need to navigate with windows explorer or OSX finder down to the controller folders and then delete the mp3's

I tested this with thousands of deleted files and itseemed to work well.

Let me know what you find.

Don't go hog-wild removing all your clips as X-ATC-Chatter might not think you have the purchasedcollection. Removing all the clips from 3 or 4 controllers in one Region should be a good test.

X-ATC Chatter 1.7.1 beta15

X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.1 Beta 15 is ready:
The initial purpose of the beta is to have a version that is built with the new X-Plane 12 SDK so that when X-Plane 12 is introduced we will have a version of X-ATC-Chatter that will work with it. We will also add some enhancements as we go along.

Release Notes for B15 :
  • Added auto-select option for auto-selecting Regions and Countries
If you are OSX or Linux and want to try the Amazon Polly voices follow the instructions in the SAPI Voices OSX & Linux section of the User guide. This is very new so if you run into issues let me know.

The STAR and Vector code is a bit complex so if you run into a problem I need to be able to reproduce it. You can help by making sure that on the X-ATC-Chatter settings Miscellaneous Tab you enable debug logging. If you run into an issue please provide the following:

  • A screenshot of the Flight Plan Tab
  • A copy of the file X-ATC-Chatter/X-ATC-Chatter.ini
  • Your log.txt file
  • Let me know if you are using a Navigraph subscription or just the default X-Plane nav data
  • Any thoughts on how to reproduce the issue
Report any odd behavior.

1.7.1 should continue to work fine on X-Plane 11 so if you run into any problems please report them.

Here are some dedicated threads for discussions on SIDS, STARS, Approaches, Vectors to Final, and Amazon Polly on OSX / Linux.

Known Problems

  • I think there may still be some issues with winds as they are reported with ATIS and with what SimpleATC reports when using X-Plane 12. This may be a Laminar bug but I'm still investigating
  • On XP12 there are some warnings about deprecated weather datarefs. I will remove them as soon as I get the new Weather API from Laminar
  • SID, STAR, Approach, and Request Vector parameters are not currently being saved to the Flight Plan file.
What's Next

  • We will likely need some UI improvements/additions to better support the new approach features.
X-ATC chatter 1.7.1 RC1

Release Notes for RC1
  • Changed regions selection so that any ICAO first character match will select a region
  • Cleaned up IdentToCountry.csv to add missing airports and remove some duplicates
  • Fixed a bug where loading airports was not following directory links in scenery_packs.ini
  • Fixed warnings about new X-Plane 12 weather datarefs
  • Added vector and decent hints to the Pilot Transmission window
If you are OSX or Linux and want to try the Amazon Polly voices follow the instructions in the SAPIVoices OSX & Linux section of the User guide. This is very new so if you run into issues let me know.

The STAR and Vector code is a bit complex so if you run into a problem I need to be able to reproduce it. You can help by making sure that on the X-ATC-Chatter settings Miscellaneous Tab you enable debug logging. If you run into an issue please provide the following:
  • A screenshot of the Flight Plan Tab
  • A copy of the file X-ATC-Chatter/X-ATC-Chatter.ini
  • Your log.txt file
  • Let me know if you are using a Navigraph subscription or just the default X-Plane nav data
  • Any thoughts on how to reproduce the issue
Report any odd behavior.

1.7.1 should continue to work fine on X-Plane 11 so if you run into any problems please report them.
X-ATC Chatter 1.7.1 RC2

Release Notes for RC2
  • Made some adjustments to how the wind is reported with take-off and landing clearance
  • Fixed inaccurate reported altimeter calculation
Known Problems
  • I think there may still be some issues with winds as they are reported with ATIS and with what SimpleATC reports when using X-Plane 12. Laminar has indicated that there are some issues they are working on so it may take another update for X-Plane 12 to get it right.
What's Next

  • Just make sure the wind reporting is right in XP12
X-ATC Chatter 1.7.1 RC3

Release Notes for RC3
  • Improved support for window positioning with multi-monitor configurations
Known Problems
  • Laminar is aware of some issues with wind layers that they are planning to fix in an X-Plane 12 update. Take-off and Landing winds from SimpleATC may not be accurate until Laminar corrects the problems.
What's Next
  • Just make sure the wind reporting is right in XP12
La version 1.7.1 finale de X-ATC Chatter est disponible avec tous les audio clips .

Si vous avez acheté sur , il faudra aller sur votre compte pour accéder au téléchargement (3,1 Go)

Ce lien est un espace réservé pour la version bêta 1.7.2 de X-ATC-Chatter. La version 1.7.2 ne sera pas une version majeure et sera principalement destinée à quelques améliorations mineures qui n'ont pas été intégrées à la version 1.7.1 et à des corrections de bugs. Dès que @markcellis aura des versions bêta prêtes, elles seront postées ici:
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.3 Beta 1 disponible:


1.7.3 will contain enhancements and bug fixes

Download from

How to Install
  1. Make a backup copy of your existing X-ATC-Chatter folder. The beta archive only contains the 400 U.S. demo clips so Do Not delete the folder from your plugins folder or you will lose your purchased clips.
  2. Download the archive from the link above
  3. Unzip the archive into a temporary folder
  4. Copy the resulting X-ATC-Chatter folder from step 3 to your plugins folder allowing your copy utility to over-write / merge any existing files
  5. Start X-Plane and make sure that the X-ATC-Chatter control panel title bar indicates that you are running 1.7.3 Beta 1
You can report problems and any feedback in this thread.

Release Notes for Beta 1
  • Changed the Out of Range detection to take into account your aircraft’s altitude. This also affects the range in the Nearest Facility window.
  • Added shut down message to the log file
  • Improved some Simple ATC Hints
  • Fixed a bug where SimpleATC would set the radio to clearance after arrival taxi clearance confirmation when copilot handles radios was on
  • Started using X-Plane 12 airspace center frequencies
J'utilise cet ATC chatter avec SimAvionics (après conversion des fichiers de mp3 à Wav)
Excellent, même si je n'ai pas les fonctionnalités de commutation XPlane.
Je change mes fréquences moi même au fur et a mesure et tout est OK.
Merci Xplane :whistle:
Salut !

Si vous avez coché la case update dans les prefs d'ATC Chatter , vous avez été averti des nouvelles mises à jour...
et surtout d'environ 4500 nouveaux clips audio à télécharger ...