XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Si j'ai bien compris et pour pas faire de bêtises, on peut appliquer le dernier update du Zibo sur les LevelUP a condition que ceux-ci soient en version 1.02 ? C'est bien ça ?
Salut !

Oui , c'est bien ça , faire la mise à jour de l'avion LevelUp AVANT de mettre les 2 dossiers Zibo mod et Xlua de Zibo = ...XP12/Aircraft/B738X/Plugins/
Zibo B738X XP12 4.03.21:
- update flight model to 12.03 by Twkster
- improved electrical systems
- improved APU system
- improved AP and FD (include AP trim)
- fixed minor bugs

Additional Information:
- This update IS COMPATIBLE with the current LU version 1.0.2 of their aircraft!
- Please update your LU aircraft to version 1.0.2 BEFORE using this Zibomod update to update it further
- DO NOT attempt to update your LU aircraft, with this Zibomod update, unless you really know how, you will break it!

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.03.22:
  • - fixed warning about missing airfoil file
  • - FO clock default mode
  • - FIX display on ND
  • - Climb thrust reset in FMC
  • - ACARS METAR non exist airport entry
  • - build up display of electrical power module
  • - VCR solenoid to Auto with AC power change (sometimes)

Additional Information:
- Please do a fresh installation with this fix (Backup then delete your Zibomod folder then install Full base + fix 22) to eliminate potential issues from previous fixes
- This update IS COMPATIBLE with the current LU version 1.0.2 of their aircraft!
- Please update your LU aircraft to version 1.0.2 BEFORE using this Zibomod update to update it further

- DO NOT attempt to update your LU aircraft, with this Zibomod update, unless you really know how, you will break it!
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Discord Server ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.03.23:
- improved A/T SPEED mode
- add new APU failures: generator, pressurization, fire, starting/running, overspeed, low oil quantity, low oil pressure
- add option MAX RANDOM FAILURES 1..10 (Realism settings in EFB)
- add option ADDITIONAL FIX PAGES in EFB (in FMS setting)
- fixed bugs (FIX information page, FIX display on ND, HDG SEL departure follow-up, FO callout 400ft above aerodrome,...)

Additional Information:
- Optional -> Go to your Zibomod's airfoil folder and delete all the files ending with 12.02
- This update IS COMPATIBLE with the current LU version 1.0.2 of their aircraft!
- Please update your LU aircraft to version 1.0.2 BEFORE using this Zibomod update to update it further
- DO NOT attempt to update your LU aircraft, with this Zibomod update, unless you really know how, you will break it!

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
de Skymatix sur xp.org :
I will be streaming in a few minutes

Zibomod v4.04.00 RC2
- improved/fixed electrical system (BPCU, SPCU, connection to buses,...)
- fixed bugs (FO clock default mode, VNAV ALT after T/D, Ground Power with Battery Off, HDG SEL departure folow-up,...)
- fixed fmod bugs (no power, Relay for connect APU generator,...)
- fixed fmod sound (no power, not running inverter)
- fixed bugs (Fix display on ND, VNAV ALT after crossing T/D, Master caution logic...)

Zibo B738X XP12 4.04 Full:

- improved/fixed electrical system (BPCU, SPCU, connection to buses, TRUs, BTBs, CBTB, Relay TRU3...)
- fixed bugs (FO clock default mode, VNAV ALT after T/D, Ground Power with Battery Off, HDG SEL departure follow-up)
- Fix display on ND, VNAV ALT after crossing T/D, Master caution logic, FD - TOGA, FMC approach logic, annunciators, thrust lever movement...
- fixed fmod sound (no power, inverter, relays, electric buses)
- added new electrical failures (BCPU, Relay BTB1, Relay BTB2, Relay TRU3)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- APU start sequence should be fix too
- Full means a full replacement. We want to get rid of the old redundant files please. Please, don't go copy this version into your existing Zibomod

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Discord Server ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.04.01:
- fixed bugs (electrical system - BTB1 and BTB2, TO/GA, CDU initialize, CFY TQ trimming,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- FMC Error 449 should be fixed now

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.04.02:
- fixed bugs (LNAV - follow magenta line, flap setting for load/save flight, ...)
- add option "PAUSE AFTER LOAD FLIGHT" in EFB (Realism setting)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.04.03:
- fixed typo bugs (FAC, electric system, FMC, PFD,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 4.04.04:
- fixed bug (AP follow magenta line, FMOD logic, APU system,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Official Support Forum ***
*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***
*** Discord Server ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.04.05:
- fixed bugs (FMC, DATA on ND, EEC calculation - probably related to unexpected engines shutdown,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.04.07:
- fixed bugs and improvement for FMC, ND,... (WPT/ALT on descent page, DATA in ND, range for PLAN mode, cross track , RNP,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- Fix 6 had an error and this version replaces it

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.08:
- fixed bugs (cross track error, calculate T/C, ground handling object...)
- improved system (Fix page/Descent page/corrected formats/real calculation/entry/warning message, DATA on ND, Lateral ANP/RNP warning,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.09:
- fixed bugs and improved systems (VNAV ALT not installed - MCP pitch mode select issue, FMC, APU, cross track, lateral and vertical RNP, No smoking switch...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***

Alternative download links, Zibo install guide & training checklist

Dear Zibo Pilots, #1 The Install Guide I started this guide many months ago to compliment my YouTube stream about the installation procedures. The guide has since evolved and offers way more information and FAQ's than the original, so I present it to you here today, as well. It also included ALL ...
*** The EFB Guide ***

EFB User Guide ** Updated ** 21 Feb 24

Hi all, As promised I have the Draft copy of the EFB User Guide ready to go. I have tried to keep it simple, but as I do not use all the functionality available (e.g Various types of external hardware) I have written what I think is correct. I am happy to change descriptions if they are not corre...
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***

zibomod – Google Drive

*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***

Alternative download links, Zibo install guide & training checklist

Dear Zibo Pilots, #1 The Install Guide I started this guide many months ago to compliment my YouTube stream about the installation procedures. The guide has since evolved and offers way more information and FAQ's than the original, so I present it to you here today, as well. It also included ALL ...
*** Torrent & Hash files ***

Zibo Drive – Google Drive

*** The RSS feed URL ***
https://skymatixva.com/tfiles/feed.xml*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***

Zibomod B737-800X » X-Plane 12

✓ Zibomod B737-800X is a X-Plane 12 mod created by Lubos Zibek (Zibo). Download for free to enhance your experience in X-Plane 12.
*** Official Support Forum ***

ZIBO B738-800 modified

*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***

B737-800 modified

This is modiefied default B737-800 by me. You don't need extra 3rd plugin. Only X PLANE 11. Special thanks Laminar Research (with default XLUA plugin). This moded aircraft shows what are the possibilities of this plugin and Xplane 11. See topic for more info, installation and download links....
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***

Zibo B737-800 modified in X-Plane 12

Anyone tested Zibo 738 in X-PLANE 12 alpha? We will can fly it in X-PLANE 12? Thanks in advance
*** Discord Server ***

Join the Skymatix / Zibo Mod Discord Server!

This server is for Zibo mod and Skymatix related activities alone & specifically | 5405 members
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.10:
- fixed bugs and improvement systems (pressurization, FMC, RNP/VRNP on PFD,...)
- added factory setting for approach RNP 0.3/0.5 - default 0.5 (see in EFB)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.11:
- fixed bugs and improvements (AF leg, ND - PLN mode/HDG mode, EICAS, LDU, FMC, FD,...)
- removed options "EICAS N1" and "EICAS AUTO N1 BUG NUMBER" and replaced by option "EICAS N1 DOUBLE DERATE"

Additional Zibomod Information:
- The derate display anomaly on EICAS will be fixed in the next update

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Official Support Forum ***
*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***
*** Discord Server ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.12:
- fixed bugs and improvements (thrust mode on EICAS, ND runways, EICAS - Fuel used,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Official Support Forum ***
*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***
*** Discord Server ***
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