XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.13:
- fixed bugs (FMC - discontinuity between STAR and APP, Windows overheat test, LNAV/VNAV...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.14:
- fixed bugs (Single Cue FD, LNAV, no NPS...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.15:
- fixed bugs (EICAS N1 BUG NUMBERS,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.16:
- fixed bugs (Offset route, DEP/ARR page delete selection, APU duct air pressure valve, INIT REF fields which change takeoff performance, Runway entry without way points allows activation, WPT/ALT automatic entry, V-speeds...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.17:
- fixed bugs and corrected systems (Direct To, V speeds, Take-off, N1 calculate, Fix page, Legs page, Descent page, Cruise page,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.18:
- fixed bugs and improvement systems

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.19:
- fixed bugs (VNAV disconnect when no STAR/APP selected for route, FMC...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Official Support Forum ***
*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***
*** Discord Server ***