Nouvelle version 1.47 disponible depuis hier soir
December 13 2016 Release version 1.47
Release Notes:
- Starting from 1.47b57, all ProSim737 modules now require dot net runtime version 4.6! A dialog screen may make mention of version 4.0, this is wrong, 4.6 is the version required.
- Due to the change from DirectX to SlimDX, it is required to verify all custom sound call outs if they are still assigned to the correct gate.
This verification should be done only once when moving from a DirectX release to a SlimDX one.
- Pokeys libary dll file was deleted and replaced with its code directly in ProSim.
- ProSimAudio has now all sounds ON by default(NAV audio remains disabled)
- Added fuel freeze
- Corrected ordering of approaches in DEP/ARR page
- Fixed unwanted autoconfig inputs from PoKeys cards when led matrix function enabled
- Fixed fire handle lights not working when CPFlight MIP V2 is used
- [PSDB-153] Fixed VNAV should command selected VREF speed + wind when on landing flap setting
- [PSDB-156] INIT REF Transition altitude now follows standard altitude format rules
- F/D vertical speed mode stabilit'y during turns improved
- [PSDB-98] Alt hold stabilit'y during turns improved
- [PSDB-132] Route page now shows route discontinuities and allows more editing
- [PSDB-162] Fixed CPFlight MIP v2 take config and cabin alt indicators interchanged
- [PSDB-171] Fixed CRZ CLB speed sometimes shows as MACH 0.06
- [PSDB-172] Fixed CDU CRZ TGT speed incorrect
- CPFlight MIP V2 gauge output re-enabled for firmware 1.22 testing
- Cockpit configuration from IOS now also available from SDK as s'ystem.config.xxxx
- [PSDB-113] SPD REST on CDU CLB and DES pages should require EXEC
- [PSDB-174] Route should calculate T/D even when no arrival is entered, using airport as destination
- BGL scanner should only scan under "scenery" directory of scenery.cfg directories
- Improved BGL scanning of ILS data
- [PSDB-121] Climb and Descend phase should have separate default speed restrictions
- [PSDB-113] Fixed modified speed restriction not visible until EXEC
- [PSDB-216] FMS will clear route and legs when new destination ICAO is entered
- [PSDB-135] Minimum N2 speed for generator operation increased to 50%
- Fixed approach names without suffixes
- Door logic can now be completelly disabled
- ProSimAudio and ProSim737 moved from DirectX to SlimDX
- [PSDB-177] Manually entered VNAV speeds should show only entered speed and not speed/mach combination
- [DEV-71] Incorrect text on fwd Overhead
- [DEV-83] Incorrect text on lower DU
- Improved N1 calculations
- Connected spar valves to hot battery bus instead of dc bus
- Fixed engine valve and spar valve not reponding to fire handle
- [PSDB-195] IDENT page 2 added
- [PSDB-197] IDENT page shows SUPP DATA as FS time
- Refined starter logic to check starter air pressure during start
- Fixed F/D and FMA should be on when the associated F/D switch is off and an'y CMD is on
- Fire test inhibited during flight
- [PSDB-221] N1 LIMIT page accepts SEL TEMP if entered with the slash at the end. ie: 55/
- [PSDB-186] TGT SPD in DES page shows mach value first if speed is commanding mach
- [PSDB-207] Title ACT RTE should be to left hand side of screen
- [PSDB-205] FMC CRZ page, TURB N1 should show % s'ymbol
- [PSDB-110] ND N1 data not flushed
- N1 LIMIT page now accepts manually entered OAT.
- VNAV fixes
- [PSDB-190] TAKEOFF REF page 2 corrected
- [PSDB-194] LEGS RTE page fixed
- [PSDB-196] Once in active cruise inflight, the FMC CLB page should be flushed.
- [PSDB-199] All pages that only have one page should still have page number "1/1".
- New cockpit setup group added: FMS/CDU
- [PSDB-200] POS REF page 2 fixed
- [PSDB-202] EFC time should show Z s'ymbol and BEST SPEED should show KT s'ymbol in HOLD page
- [PSDB-204] The next waypoint on Progress Page 1 should be coloured magenta.
- [PSDB-228] TRIP ALT added to PERF INIT page
- [PSDB-181] [LEGS] RTE DATA empt'y wind shows ---/--
- [PSDB-180] [PROGRESS] page corrected. XTK and GPS-L added.
- [PSDB-279] Range value position now adjusts its position if range rings are not visible
- Fixed Poldragonet overhead panel configuration not saving correctly
- HTTP ACARS downlinks will trigger an ACARS COMM ERROR after a time out of 2 min.
- During raw data go-around, keep FMS phase at CLB until cruise alt
- Engine should not auto-restart when engine failure cleared on IOS while fire handle is still pulled
- fixed FMS reset if using SLEW (if FMS resets after landing option is enabled)
- Added support for Simworld pedestal modules
- TAS only available on ND if greater than 100Kts
- Dual GPS added with individual failures.
- Dual Radio Altimeters added with individual failures.
- Fixed FDS MCOM radios resetting when elevator trim is used
- Fixed GLOBAL weather not generating weather radar image
- Magenta color shown on WXR+T mode.
- [PSDB-317] Improved F/D behavior in manual flight when in alt hold or V/S mode
- ProSimAudio fadeOut fixed
- ProSimAudio high CPU load fixed
- Option added to set the weather radar image resolution (px/nm)
- [PSDB-231] Speed trend vector disapearing.
- Decimal data entry fixed
- VSI fixed on EFIS display mode
- Fixed ProSimDisplay crash at startup if WX enabled on EFIS
- Throttles with fixed speedbrake down detents will now still deploy speedbrakes during RTO when speedbrake is physically moved
to the armed position during takeoff
- Strobe & Steady light switch support added to Simworld P&P Overhead
- Airst'air indicator support added to Simworld P&P Overhead
- RUNWAY INOP indicator and RUNWAY INHIBT swicth support added to Simworld P&P MIP
- Added support for Simworld ACPs
- Fixed fire test not working in flight.
- PoKeys libraries updated to new beta build to prevent thread abort exceptions that crash ProSim
- Dome light switch functional for Simworld AFT overhead
- 2 new gates added for dome light (Domelight dim & Domelight bright)
- Remote shutdown fixed
- Fixed IDG Drive light going out too late.
- Fixed CDU page going to CLIMB when pressing TOGA during takeoff.
- START VALVE OPEN indication should remain ON for about 3 seconds after starter cutout
- mach speed now shows with 3 decimal places on the PFD
- dual elevator trim switches option added to the cockpit config
- 2nd elevator trim switch added to the F/O and CPT yokes
- Added support for FSC Stick Shaker
- Null exception fixed when using random failures.
- Fixed custom sound gates assignments mixed.
- Generic TCP driver now handles incoming encoder updates better by accumulating input.
- Display source label t'ypo fixed on the overhead (ALL ON 1)
- FDS MCOM devices now use proper MCOM logic
- Fixed BRIGHT/DIM light indicator modes
- Pokeys library dll code imported into ProSim.
- Poldragonet driver now allows multiple instances
- Fixed brake accumulator will not properly pressurize on initial startup
- Weather radar image now resets when changing the range
- Fixed CPFlight rudder trim gauge value not the same as ProSim rudder trim value
- Fixed 100% WX radar return when no clouds are present and gain is max