Mar 26 2020 Release Version 2.27
- [CAPA738-166] Fixed EEC indicators Logic
Note: Indicators are mechanical and will show the ON legend when latched. They will only illuminate when XFR2 is active
- [Displays] Fixed small text misaligment on EFIS MODE
- Fixed take off speed option not working properly on PFD/EFIS Airspeed indicator
- [ProSimCDU] Fixed delay when starting ProSim CDU before ProSim Systems
- [CAPA738-78] QRH speeds on TAKE OFF page should be visible after selection
- [Professional][FSC] Fixed startup crash when circuit breaker driver is enabled
- [Professional][FSC] Fixed circuit breaker tree node not showing panel info
- [FSC] Fixed dual implementation of drivers
- [SISMO] Fixed XPDR value
- [SISMO] Fixed transponder frequency mapping
- [SIOC DIRECT] Added option to use USB PnP modules as FO when only one module is detected
Note: When only one module is found of an USB VHF, NAV, ADF, ASP, CDU or Chrono it is now possible to make it work as a FO module
- [CPFlightV1] Fixed CDU indicators not working
- [CPFlightV2] Added ICS Overhead
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MULTIRADIOs detection
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MCP PRO V1 reset
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed crash when MCP IP configured but MCP not connected
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed CDU brightness not working when 2 CDUs are present
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MCP reset (Ethernet) when already initialized
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed 833 not initializing when starting
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed ADF not sync when starting
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed rudder trim gauge showing -10 when value is 0
- [CPFlightV2] Improved initial sync logic
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed EFIS MINS and BARO
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed EFIS MINS and BARO
- [CPFlightV2] Added connection info to ethernet modules
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed FO CDU inputs not working
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed blank MCP speed window
- [CPFlightV2] Added support for the CDU PRO
- [CPFlightV2] Added missing inputs on legacy ASP
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed TRIM PRO not properly implemented
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed 833 not working properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed VHF PRO not implemented properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed NAV PRO not implemented properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MULTI_RADIO PRO not implemented properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed Ethernet modules not saving port number
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed CDU inputs
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed EFIS inputs
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed ASP inputs/outputs
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed legacy ASP not implemented correctly
- [CPFlightV2] Added option to use legacy ASP as FO ASP
- [CPFlightV2] Improved flow control when MIP and Pedestal are detected
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed EFIS CTR and TFC not working
- [CPFlightV2] CDU brightness analog will now start with 255 to prevent dull screens in case hardware does not send initial value
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed Wxr radar mode not working
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed communication issue with some radios
- [CPFlightV2] MIP brightness analog will now start with 255 to prevent dull screens in case hardware does not send initial value
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed EFIS BARO not working properly
- [CPFlightV2] Added EFIS EL option.
Note: It will make the EFIS BARO and MINIMUMS to be handled as encoders and not selectors like the newer EFIS PRO.
- [CPFlightV2] Implemented acceleration for EFIS BARO and MINS (non EFIS EL option)
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed COM port reverting to the default one
- [CPFlightV2] Added delay option
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed analog input mishandling on MIP panels
- [CPFlightV2] Removed send gauge data option
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed EFIS BARO and MINS not working
- [CPFlightV2] New CPFlightV2 driver
Note: It is required to disable any other CPFlight driver if enabled. It does not affect the overhead driver.
- Fixed WebCDU not working