
Bonjour a tous, dans quel fichier prosim stock t-il les variables declarées de l overhead ?
Aussi est ce possible d exporter que les variables de l'overhead?
Toutes ces questions sont dans le but de pouvoir avancer sur un xml sans etre devant son pc prosim.

Merci d avance a tous.
MErci . je viens de regarder ds le config.xml mais je n'ai pas de variables de l'overhead. (input/output...etc)
Je pense que le XML se complète à  mesure de la config, sil n'y a pas de lien, il n'y a pas de ligne ?
Version 2.16
- Fixed "sequence cont'ains no elements" crash
- Added numerical output to IRS display modes
- [CAPA738-40] Fixed DUAL BLEED not imediatelly triggering master caution
- Improved speed trim indicator logic
- Improved Airspeed Low alert logic
- Small fixes to rudder and aileron trim
- Added CDU brightness keys
- Improved ISFD heading data handling
- Fixed ISFD altitude and speed sources not linked to aux ports
- Fixed FMC availabilit'y

- Improved LOC/GS alert signal
- Fixed small issue with GS/MACH border on the speed tape
- Improved SpeedTape lower amber band inhibit logic
- Fixed display freezes
- [CAPA738-44] Fixed lower amber band on speed tape not inhibited after take off

- [PAR-1710] Fixed RTE skipping previous DIRECT waypoint when airway/fix entered
- [CAPA738-19] Added RNP PROGRESS page
- Added further log to ProSim CDU

- [DEV-317] Reduce intercom latency for local audio
- Fixed morse code audio rate

- Added EFIS encoders acceleration to Sioc Direct driver
- Added support for Sismo MCP with ALPS encoders
- Fixed XPDR value empt'y on Sismo driver
- Added test mode to RMP displays
- Added numerical radio display modes
- [PAR-1842] Fixed light test not working correctly with Sismo driver
- [PAR-1870] Fixed DU brightness not working with older MIP ICS
- [PAR-1810] Fixed high CPU load with Sismo driver
- Fixed Sismo driver allowing selection of DUALADF module with single ADF at the same time
- Fixed Sismo driver allowing selection of both rudder trim modules at the same time
- [PAR-1995] Fixed AC AMPS on Sismo driver showing only 2 digits
- Improved Simworld CDU key handler

- Fixed updater trying to delete updater.exe
Version 2.17
- Fixed freezes
- [CAPA738-26] Fixed A/T limited to max maneuver speed
- [CAPA738-26] Fixed MCP overspeed s'ymbol when entering speed above max maneuver speed
- Fixed flight controls not working correctly when using the embedded MCP option
- Fixed potential issue with tiller/rudder controllers
- Fixed MCP CO if mach lower than 0.60
- [CAPA738-23] Fixed restart issue when using start switch in GND position and aircraft is in air
- Improved VANP calculation
- [CAPA738-64] Improved RNP APPROACH detection
- Added input limits to Thrust Reduction altitude
- Improved RNP defaults based on IAN/NPS option
- Fixed ADIRU heading NCD state
- Fixed ADIRU vertical speed NCD state
- Added delay to UNABLE NAV PERF-RNP message

- Fixed Elec and IRS displays not reading data if no other display item is present
- [CAPA738-58] Fixed ISFD not slaved to left ILS only
- Implemented ILS data as ARINC429 on ISFD
- Fixed LOC/GS NCD indications on ISFD
- Added LOC/GS fail flags to ISFD
- Improved HDG NCD indications on ND
- Fixed gauge brightness not working correctly when GDI is enabled
- Fixed datalink advisories with D2D
- Fixed EICAS overlay win D2D
- Fixed vertical speed NCD indications on PFD
- Fixed heading NCD indications on PFD
- Implemented pitch as ARINC429 on PFD
- Improved ATT flag to handle also pitch data

- Fixed pop sound with ProSimAudio
- Added new DirectSound engine to ProSimAudio

- Fixed IO panel not visible with Simn'est driver enabled
- Improved Simn'est CB module detection
- Fixed FSUIPC driver not refreshing inputs when connected
- Fixed encoder acceleration data with Sismo driver
- Added scroll bars to encoder acceleration window in Sismo Advanced

- Fixed Remote Hardware Connector issue
Dans la version 2.20, Prosim ajoute une beta du driver CFY directement dans son s'ysteme.

- New FSC TQ driver (Beta - Experimental)
Note: This new driver is System based. To use it, FSC driver MUST be disabled in ProSimMCP.
Calibration is done via combined config
Attention depuis la version prosim 737 2.24 ou prosim A320 1.28, il s'exécute en 64bits.
Mais surtout le type d'airacs a changé. Il ne faut plus prendre la version navigraph prosimA320/737 mais la version 737 2.24b1 ou A320 1.28b4
De plus sous windows 10 ( pour 7 je ne sais pas) il ne faut plus les installer dans %appdata%/roaming mais dans %programdata%.
Je me suis fait avoir car prosim donne par défaut la 1901 en nouvelle version et n'affiche aucune erreur de database sur sa page d'accueil, je ne compren'ais donc pas pourquoi j'avais un message sur le cdu en fin de vol indiquant que les data ét'aient dépassées alors que fms data manager de navigraph m'indiquait que j'avais bien la version 2001 d'installé.
En déroulant le menu database de prosim j'ai alors compris qu'il ne voyait que la 1901 en recherchant sur internet j'ai vu qu'ils avaient changé le répertoire d'installation. Après reconfiguration de fms data manager tout est rentré dans l'ordre.
Prosim publiera la compatibilité avec le tout nouveau MSFS2020 dès que possible. Dans le cadre de l'abonnement aux mises à jour annuelles sans frais supplémentaires.
Ils ont bossé chez Prosim.

Contenu de la dernière mise à jour (2.27) :

Mar 26 2020 Release Version 2.27
- [CAPA738-166] Fixed EEC indicators Logic
    Note: Indicators are mechanical and will show the ON legend when latched. They will only illuminate when XFR2 is active

- [Displays] Fixed small text misaligment on EFIS MODE
- Fixed take off speed option not working properly on PFD/EFIS Airspeed indicator

- [ProSimCDU] Fixed delay when starting ProSim CDU before ProSim Systems
- [CAPA738-78] QRH speeds on TAKE OFF page should be visible after selection

- [Professional][FSC] Fixed startup crash when circuit breaker driver is enabled
- [Professional][FSC] Fixed circuit breaker tree node not showing panel info
- [FSC] Fixed dual implementation of drivers
- [SISMO] Fixed XPDR value
- [SISMO] Fixed transponder frequency mapping
- [SIOC DIRECT] Added option to use USB PnP modules as FO when only one module is detected
Note: When only one module is found of an USB VHF, NAV, ADF, ASP, CDU or Chrono it is now possible to make it work as a FO module
- [CPFlightV1] Fixed CDU indicators not working
- [CPFlightV2] Added ICS Overhead
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MULTIRADIOs detection
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MCP PRO V1 reset
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed crash when MCP IP configured but MCP not connected
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed CDU brightness not working when 2 CDUs are present
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MCP reset (Ethernet) when already initialized
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed 833 not initializing when starting
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed ADF not sync when starting
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed rudder trim gauge showing -10 when value is 0
- [CPFlightV2] Improved initial sync logic
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed EFIS MINS and BARO
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed EFIS MINS and BARO
- [CPFlightV2] Added connection info to ethernet modules
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed FO CDU inputs not working
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed blank MCP speed window
- [CPFlightV2] Added support for the CDU PRO
- [CPFlightV2] Added missing inputs on legacy ASP
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed TRIM PRO not properly implemented
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed 833 not working properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed VHF PRO not implemented properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed NAV PRO not implemented properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed MULTI_RADIO PRO not implemented properly
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed Ethernet modules not saving port number
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed CDU inputs
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed EFIS inputs
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed mixed ASP inputs/outputs
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed legacy ASP not implemented correctly
- [CPFlightV2] Added option to use legacy ASP as FO ASP
- [CPFlightV2] Improved flow control when MIP and Pedestal are detected
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed EFIS CTR and TFC not working
- [CPFlightV2] CDU brightness analog will now start with 255 to prevent dull screens in case hardware does not send initial value
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed Wxr radar mode not working
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed communication issue with some radios
- [CPFlightV2] MIP brightness analog will now start with 255 to prevent dull screens in case hardware does not send initial value
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed EFIS BARO not working properly
- [CPFlightV2] Added EFIS EL option.
    Note: It will make the EFIS BARO and MINIMUMS to be handled as encoders and not selectors like the newer EFIS PRO.
- [CPFlightV2] Implemented acceleration for EFIS BARO and MINS (non EFIS EL option)
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed COM port reverting to the default one
- [CPFlightV2] Added delay option
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed analog input mishandling on MIP panels
- [CPFlightV2] Removed send gauge data option
- [CPFlightV2] Fixed EFIS BARO and MINS not working
- [CPFlightV2] New CPFlightV2 driver
    Note: It is required to disable any other CPFlight driver if enabled. It does not affect the overhead driver.

    - Fixed WebCDU not working
Prosim a sorti une beta de la version MAX, mais il y a peu de simmeur qui ont franchi le pas au niveau Hardware. Pour l'instant il n'y a que Sismo et FDS sur le marché.
j'ai lu effectivement qu'il y a un model de vol de sortie ( Beta, mais qui n'existe pas ds les models de vols à telecharger sur prosim system).
Mais je n'ai pas trouvé comment l'obtenir et surtout comment certains l'ont eux.
J'ai surtout aussi lus que les équipes PROSIM bossent dessus.

Je t'avoue que je n'ai pas lancé MSFS2020 et prosim737 en meme temps pour voir ce que ça donne avec le model actuel ( chez moi le model installé est 737 P3D V4)