XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Salut Fred, effectivement, tous mes tests n’avaient pas aboutis à ce moment là. Faute de temps je n’ai pas suivi les récentes mises à jour et j’ai un peu déconnecté de la simu durant de nombreuses semaines. Je prends mes grandes vacances à compter du 1er janvier prochain donc j’aurai plus de temps pour ça. Éventuellement on verra ensemble.
Merci et bon courage
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.6:

- fixed bugs (Mach trim system. YD and WTRIS,...)
- improved F/D, A/D - pitch channel

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.7:

- fixed bugs (APU fuel burn, A/P trim, calculate G load forces, GLS/LPV glide path,...)
- improved flight model by Twkster
Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.8:

- fixed bugs (VNAV path indicator, Flood light)

la rc6.7 est à éviter si elle existe encore dans le dossier XP12 du google drive Zibo ...
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.9:

- fixed bugs (LVL CHG/VNAV SPD, Mach trim system, Localizer valid data, ...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.0:
- fixed bugs (GP capture, ...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.2:

- fixed bugs (neutral shift point, elevators tabs flight model, A/P,...)
- updated flight model by Twkster

Additional Information
- You will need to change your views

- updated airfoils from Twkster
- tuned A/P (very gently only)
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
*** Discord Server ***
You will need to change your views
Le centre de gravité de la cellule a été décalé et comme les caméras y sont ancrées, elles sont donc déplacées contre notre volonté et nécessitent ensuite une bonne réinitialisation.

Le point de vue a donc changé . (Point Of View - POV)
Dernière édition:
@Zibo Noël : (y)

I found bug for "CRZ ALT CHANGED TO ...". It checked mised approach altitude too (5000 ft). Fixed in next release.
We still work on flight model after adding new features as
  • neutral shift point
  • elevator tabs balance/unbalance mode,....
@Zibo Noël bis (y) :

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.3:

- fixed bugs (CRZ ALT CHANGED TO..., view positions in VR, A/P engage, EFIS knobs animation, ALT ACQ/ALT HLD, ....)
- add night mode for EFB (See visual effect setting) - it is temporary solution for night mode

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
@Zibo Noël ter (y) :

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.4:

- fixed bugs (stab trim, Brunner input,...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
🎄🎄🎄 Le cadeau de Noël de Zibo 🎄🎄🎄 :

Zibo B738X XP12 rc4.00.7.5

fixed bugs news à suivre...
Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Merry Christmas everyone and thank you @zibo for working today !

** a Zibo mod update for XP12 is available now **

B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.5:

- fixed bugs (FMC - Fix page, Takeoff page, Legs page, capture VNAV idle path,...)
Zibo After Noël :cool:

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.6:
- fixed bugs
Additional Information
- fix FO FMC (Legs page and Fix page)
- fix oscillation at cruise altitude or ALT HDG engaged
- fix move yoke when A/P engaged for Brunner
- fix neutral shift point

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.7:

- fixed bugs (missing part of code)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.8:

- update flight model by Twkster
- fixed bugs (A/P, A/T, FMC....)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc7.9:

- fixed bugs (A/P, F/D,...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc8.0:

- fixed bugs (vnav path error +/- 9999, "Unable Cruise Alt",...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
La der de l'année 2023 ?!? 🤗

Entre les changements récents du modèle de vol de Laminar , l'adaptation à ces changements de flight model et la re-écriture complète du FMC en C++ par Zibo prend un certain temps , d'où les nombreuses mises à jour de ces dernières semaines .
Ce type et les personnes qui participent activement à l'évolution du B738X sont formidables , les devs d'avions payants devraient s'en inspirer pour mettre à jour leurs avions plus souvent :p !

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc8.1:

- fixed bugs (Retard, LVL CHG/VNAV SPD,..)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc8.2:

- fixed bugs (descent after T/D, ALT ACQ,...)
- updated flight model by Twkster
- retuned A/P pitch modes (and improved code)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
La bonne Année 2024 de Zibo ! ✈️

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00.1 Full:

- include HUD power fix and enable "Autosave" feature

Additional Information
* Zibo had to make a full version to incorporate the HUD files and this in turn will keep the normal fix file sizes smaller

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00.1 Full:

- fixed 4k version (correct name and description)
- fixed HUD Fix (correct datarefs for manipulator animation)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.09Rc2 or NEWER is required for the "Autosave" fix, update to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo install guide pour XP12 mis à jour :

Changes include:

- Reflect the new Zibo file version numbers
- Index for additional pages added
- Moved "Operational tips" to an earlier page & updated the info to include the new B738X_jetway.dat file as well as the Flight Situation Save + Autosave functions
- Made lots of colour changes
- Added the "Yoke Input Advanced" setting from the EFB
- Changed the "Sensitivity settings" as well as the curve to work with the new "Yoke Input Advanced" setting
- Fixed the Auto Pilot command for XP12 to show that you must use "CMD A Mode) to engage Command A
- Updated the 3rd party plugins page at the end
Pour les possesseurs de matériel CPFlight , il est impératif de mettre à jour avec la 4.01 full + cette dernière version !

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00.2 fix:

Additional Information

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.09Rc2 or NEWER is required for the "Autosave" fix, update to work correctly

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00.3:

- fixed bugs (FMA speed mode for VNAV PTH, throttle with TOGA for CFY hardware,...))

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.09Rc2 or NEWER is required for the "Autosave" fix, update to work correctly
- We do not recommend using old save situations in newer versions of the Zibomod

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00.4:

- updated HUD
- fixed small bugs

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.09Rc2 or NEWER is required for the "Autosave" fix, update to work correctly
- We do not recommend using old save situations in newer versions of the Zibomod

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
B738X XP12 4.00.5:

- fixed CTD for HUD Fix

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.09Rc2 or NEWER is required for the "Autosave" fix, update to work correctly
- We do not recommend using old save situations in newer versions of the Zibomod

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***