XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc4.7:
- fixed bugs (autobrake disengage system, engage AP during GA, Brunner hardware)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not startcorrectly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc4.8:

- fixed bugs (Takeoff mode, activate descent mode, activate go-around mode, VNAV cruise climb/descent command speed, calculated T/C...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***

Viens de voir ceci , je n'ai pas encore testé

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc4.9:

- fixed bugs (calculate T/D, Marker sound...)
- add option "Sync hardware throttle" - see EFB settings

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
EFB user guide SO-XP12_4_00rc4.9

Option sync hardware throttle :

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.0

- fixed bugs (IRS six pack annunciate, Wheel contact with ground, pressurization, landing retract lights...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***

Cela ne concerne que les OS MAC/Linux , cette partie étant manquante !

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.0 (même numérotation)

Official Links:

*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.1:

- add support LPV
- fixed bugs

LPV signifie Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance. L'approche LPV est une catégorie d'approche RNP. Elle est très similaire à l'approche ILS en ce qui concerne la précision, à la différence près qu'aucun système au sol n'est utilisé pour assurer le guidage jusqu'à la piste.


Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.2:

- corrected LPV approach (PFD, MMR)
- add support for Datalink uplink
- fixed bugs (Autobrake Disarm annunciate, AP servo,...)

Additional Information
- Datalink CRZ WINDS is disabled temporary.
- You need files "b738x.fms" and "b738x.xml" for use all Datalink upload feature
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!

- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.4:
- fixed bugs and corrected fonts in FMC (big, small, highlighted)
- fixed bugs (3RSK button on RTE page, graphics...)
- corrected Uplink Cruise Wind Data

Additional Information
- We can uplink CRZ WINDS data when Route is activated and all Performance Init data filled

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.5:

- fixed bugs (FMC pages, corrected delete climb restrict, ground power at gate,...)

Additional Information
- You have to delete the following files BEFORE starting XP12!
- It does not matter if you do it before of after updating the Zibo mod. As long as you delete it before starting XP12 and this update!
-- In the Zibo mod folder - Delete B738X_apt.dat, B738X_gate.dat & B738X_rnw.dat

- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.6:

- corrected FMC messages - logic, handling, bugs...
- fixed bugs (FMC pages, capture altitude warning, FMC - STAR TNS selected on Arrival page,...)
- corrected Datalink logic
Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight
Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
The new Zibo uplink file is now available from Simbrief.


1) The FMS file will work as always, in the CO Route import, but will not give winds
2) The new Uplink b738x.xml file will give both the route (excluding the approach) as well as the winds!

Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.7:

- fixed bugs (auto clear FMC messages,...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight


Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
Updated once per week on a Sunday if required.
*** Official Support Forum ***
*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.8:

- fixed bugs / corrected systems (GPU, detect gates, detect jetways...)
- add feature Airside services with support import simbrief xml file (catering/cargo loading, pax boarding, refuel,...)
- add elevator neutral shift (stabilizer and FCC commanded)
- update flight model by Twkster

Additional Information
- PLEASE RESTART XPLANE after updating and starting the Zibo mod the first time to allow the new Jetway file to build and to be usable!!!
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when required ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc5.9:

- corrected neutral shift feature
- add Xlua 1.3.0r1
- add debug Error code to Xplane Log.txt
- add Mach trim system
- add own flight control system
- add option Ground power cable OFF
- fixed bugs (FMC, touchdown effect, xlua script - Linux crash, transition from cruise to descent, turn to next wpt......)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.0:

- new flight model by Twkster
- improved flight control system
- add balanced/anti-balanced mode for elevator tabs
- fixed bugs

Additional Information
- fixed bug in code (affect on magenta line too)
- fixed spoilers
- improved flight control system
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.1:

- fixed bugs (FMC, Load option "Ground power cable", Load flight, Transition from cruise to descent...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.2

- fixed bugs (transition from cruise to descent,...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight


Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Une version Zibo 4.0.rc6.3a est en cours de test :

- retuned flight spoilers
- fixed bugs and corrected systems (LPV, VNAV,...)
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.3:

- retuned flight spoilers
- fixed bugs and corrected systems (LPV, VNAV, AP trim servo...)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.4:

- fixed GLS / LPV (FO MMR deviation - diamond, A/P capture/hold "LOC" and "GS", DME distance,...)
- retune flight spoilers
- improved F/D and A/P (with A/P trim servo system)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Zibo B738X XP12 4.00 rc6.5:

- fixed bugs (corrected "Cattering", fixed message "CRZ ALT CHANGED TO ...", stutter yoke, MMR state for loading flight, "nosewheel bypass tug", aileron and rudder trim,
- copilot yoke input, penalty for approach flaps,...)
- create own code for drawing dashed line (support for Zink on X Plane)
- add own code for Yaw damper and WTRIS (WTRIS = Wheel-to-rudder interconnect system)

Additional Information
- Due to the technical nature of this particular fix, it is only for the Zibo Mod in X Plane 12.
- DO NOT mix versions!!! You cannot use a XP11 version in XP12 and a XP12 version in XP11 !!!!
- X Plane version 12.05r1 or NEWER is required for this fix, update it to work correctly
- Disable Windows setting, "Graphics Hardware Acceleration" if your Zibo mod does not start correctly, when you start a flight

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Dernière édition:
Salut Fred,
»copilot yoke input » signifie-t-il que l’on peut (enfin) connecter les 2 yoke CP et FO en même temps (l’un ou l’autre) sur le ZIBO dorénavant? Pour moi ça marche sur xp12 mais pas sur le Zibo.