XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.13:
- fixed bugs (FMC - discontinuity between STAR and APP, Windows overheat test, LNAV/VNAV...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.2 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.14:
- fixed bugs (Single Cue FD, LNAV, no NPS...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.15:
- fixed bugs (EICAS N1 BUG NUMBERS,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.16:
- fixed bugs (Offset route, DEP/ARR page delete selection, APU duct air pressure valve, INIT REF fields which change takeoff performance, Runway entry without way points allows activation, WPT/ALT automatic entry, V-speeds...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.17:
- fixed bugs and corrected systems (Direct To, V speeds, Take-off, N1 calculate, Fix page, Legs page, Descent page, Cruise page,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.18:
- fixed bugs and improvement systems

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.19:
- fixed bugs (VNAV disconnect when no STAR/APP selected for route, FMC...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
*** Torrent & Hash files ***
*** The RSS feed URL ***
*** X-plane.to download ***
*** Updated to a known stable release when available / required ***
*** Official Support Forum ***
*** Official Forum - XP11 Specific support ***
*** Official Forum - XP12 Specific support ***
*** Discord Server ***
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.20:
- fixed bugs and improvements system (add STEP To feature, FMC sequencing wpts, ...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.21:
- fixed bugs (FMC sequencing wpts,...)
- add option "Anti collision switch colour" - white/red (default white)
- add option "Panel cabin ready" - no/yes (default no)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- The option for the Anti Collision switch is about the switch on the overhead and the annunciation of the cabin ready light.
- This is why the update is larger in size :)

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.23:
- Added option PA IN USE LIGHT - yes/no (default no)

Additional Zibomod Information:
I was too slow for Zibo, today

I will release Fix 22 without its own notice because it is now done after Fix 23
- fixed bugs
- added option FLIGHTDECK CALL LIGHT - yes/no (default no)


LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.24:
- improved Cabin Ready Logic
- add PA IN USE Logic, CALL Logic
- change options for TO ANNOUNC. to ATTEND, SAFETY and TAXI (in EFB Settings/Audio features)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.25:
- fixed bugs (ATTEND two sounds, FMOD triggers...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
Please not the logic for Zibomod v4.04.26 and the FMOD/Sound and effects.

Please note that:
1) YOU have to set the EFB up to suit YOUR Standard Operating Procedures.
2) Our FMOD does NOT include a recording for "Cabin Clear" only "Cabin Secure"

Hope you have fun with the features and logic.

Please respond on the forum if you want Zibo to see what you have to say about it :)
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.26:
- improved Cabin READY logic, PA IN USE logic, CALL logic
- corrected FMC (Cruise alt to S/P, DEP/ARR,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
Zibo B738X XP12 v4.04.27:
- improved systems (IRS, FMC,...)
- fixed bugs (CYCLE IRS OFF-NAV message,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.28:
- fixed bugs and improvement systems

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.29:
- improvement systems and fixed bugs (FMC Dep/Arr pages, GPU on turnaround state, ...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only

** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.31:
- fixed typo bugs

Additional Zibomod Information:
- Fix 30 is in the Google drives but for obvious reason I am not going to make a torrent as it is not required

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only
- To learn how to use this update in the LU Aircraft see here
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.32:
- improved IRS system, IRS mode knob animation
- calculate IRS position (include IRS drift) and RADIO position
- show position of ADIRUs and GPSs on ND (POS mode)
- add update FMC position (GPS, DME, VOR, LOC) and auto scanning/tuning nearest station for RADIO position
- add FMC shift position feature
- add failure GPS L/R fail and GPS signal fail (jamming)
- fixed small bugs

Additional Zibomod Information:
- Work in progress - Zibo will add failures for some systems when GPS signal fail - for ex. Clock, GPWS....

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane
B738X XP12 v4.04.33:
- correction for systems working with GPS
- add option DME/VOR inhibit navaid stations
- fixed bugs (IRS align,...)

Additional Zibomod Information:
- GPS SIGNAL FAIL (jamming): It creates areas with a radius of 200NM from current position when GPS signal fail occurs

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***
Trop fort Fred(y)

Depuis la vs 4.04.31 , mon CDU opencockpit ne fonctionne plus . J'ai tout vérifié , les prefs , ocusbmapper ...
Je pense qu'il y a de nouveau des brindilles dans les nouvelles versions . C'était aussi le cas entre la V 4.04.31 et celle là avec des fonctionnalités ELEC , ALIGN NAV ... qui remarche maintenant avec la V4.04.33
Tout en lui rendant hommage pour le temps passé a à revoir tout à chaque version , je ne comprends pas sa logique..o_O

Dernière édition:
Salut Phil,
Mes deux CDU Opencopits fonctionnent parfaitement avec la v3.03.31. Je peux t’aider demain soir si tu veux à partir de 18h30 (envoi moi ton tel en MP si tu es intéressé).
En ce qui concerne la stratégie ZIBO, je partage ton avis. Chaque nouvelle version rapporte de nouveaux bugs. Même si les corrections arrivent vite, l’approche n’est pas bonne. Il vaudrait mieux tester les versions alpha et bêta et publier des versions stables pour éviter tout accueil (je suis un ancien responsable informatique).
Pour autant, je remercie la communauté de développement pour son assiduité à nous fournir un avion de grande qualité sans que nous ayons à dépenser le moindre euro. En ce qui me concerne, je ne suis pas encore passé à la v3.04.xx. J’ai vraiment peur que plein de nouveaux bugs m’empêchent de faire fonctionner mon équipement. J’y réfléchis… (sauvegarde totale de la config, install v3.04…) mais c’est à chaque fois plein de dysfonctionnements à prévoir et des heures de recherche et de modification de scripts parfois. C’est assez décourageant à vrai dire, mais bon, il faut s’en accommoder.
Bonne soirée
Merci tmosth pour ton aide proposée. Je me suis trompé dans la version , j'ai la v 4.4.033(je vais corriger le msg précédent) je pense qu'un bug n'a pas été corrigé. Avant la 4.4.31 cela marchait.. on va attendre, généralement il corrige assez vite. Pour la méthode, j'ai le même avis . Je ne comprends pas trop sa méthode de travail appliquée à chaque nouvelle version?.. mais respect pour le travail fourni
Bonne soirée
** Announcement, a Zibo mod update for X Plane 12 is available now **

B738X XP12 v4.04.34:
- fixed typo bugs (calculate ETA,...)
- improved systems

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update is compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12
B738X XP12 v4.04.35:
- fixed bugs

Additional Zibomod Information:
- N/A

LevelUp Compatibility:
- This update IS compatible with the LevelUp aircraft version 1.0.3 in X Plane 12 only

Official Links:
*** The install guide & training checklist ***
*** The EFB Guide ***
*** Zibo's Google Drive Google Drive link ***
*** 2nd Google Drive link & Zibo Install Guide ***