XP Boeing 737 Zibo Mod

Zibo v3.36.20
- corrected s'ystems (anti-ice,...)
- add option AUTO for passengers
- add GLS disagree on PFD
Zibo v3.36.23

- graphics correction (heading rose on PFD,...)
- add option hard/soft for RA callouts (500ft, 1000ft, 2500ft)

@Roland , librain est une librairie pour les effets de pluie ET de glace/neige/givre !
Zibo v3.36.26

- add crossbleed start engine annunciate on EICAS/ENG
- corrected s'ystems (hydraulic, bank selector, AP,...)
- read apt data from folder "Custom Scenery" too
- add opton Fix all failures on EFB (with detection custom failures)

Note: "Fix all failures" - it fixed all failures: custom and xplane. You can fix failures on the ground and when plane stopped only. Caution: remembet , if you set custom failure in flight, you can not fix an'y failures (fix failures on the ground only
Zibo v3.36.27

- add refill hydraulic fluid for "Fix all failures"
- add option for white bug on PFD (V2+15 or V2+20)
- corrected s'ystems
- improved code for connect ground power cable after arrival to gate
Bonjour ,

Voici maintenant presqu'un an que j'ai acheté doccasion un TQ FSC pro non motorisé . Le plugin de Pikitanga ne pren'ait en compte que la version semi-pro ; avec mon throttle , seuls , les flaps ne fonctionnaient pas !
J'ai contouné le problème en mappant un "interrupteur" sur un des MFD en me disant qu'un jour peut-être ça fonctionnera ...

Hier , Pikitanga a sorti une nouvelle version incluant un script xlua pour le pro et après une conversation avec un simer italien (à Los Angeles) et des galères de config team viewer , skype , et whatup , depuis ce matin , le TQ est entièrement opérationnel !
Il va juste falloir m’habituer à manipuler le levier maintenant , c'est plus physique que les boutons Thrustmaster mais bien plus "réaliste" ! :)

Pour info la carte usb émulant le port com provient de Poldragonet .
Zibo v 3.37 full release

- add command Airst'airs toggle
- add toggle commands for lights
- add support librain plugin (by Skiselkov) in VR (thanks to @Ekre)
- add option for Ground power cabel connection - AUTO/BEACON (trigger)
- add option for white bug on PFD (V2+15 or V2+20)
- add opton Fix all failures on EFB (with detection custom failures)
- add option FMC input lag (default OFF)
- add option for XHSI (default OFF)
- add option hard/smart/off for RA callouts (500ft, 1000ft, 2500ft)
- add SKI effect to cabin windows
- add option AUTO for passengers
- gently tuned AP, AT
- corrected graphics (EICAS, PFD rolling speed and alt tape, TCAS rings, heading rose on PFD, runway on PFD, ...)
- corrected ND during align
- add Cancel/Recall button on MFD
- corrected s'ystems (electric, hydraulic, bank angle selector...)
- modeled LOC by RL pilot experience
- add LOC/GLS disagree on PFD (frequency/course)
- add automatic connect ground power cable after arrival to gate
- add crossbleed start engine annunciate on EICAS/ENG
- add manipulators for electric trim on yokes
- add touchdown effect (not working in replay yet for Xplane 11.36 - working in Xplane 11.40)
- tuned Autoland for new AP pitch servo code and new ROLLOUT code
- add flaps vibration on the ground
- fixed decode/populate STAR waypoints (with STAR and Destination Runway selected only)
- fixed pressurization display
- fixed FD TO/GA
- add pages to FMC (some pages have static dat'as yet)
- new electric s'ystem (modeled all basic buses, TR Units, Relays / all devices, s'ystems,...)
- add failures s'ystem (electric/hydraulic/s'ystems... see EFB main menu)
- add refuel s'ystem (see EFB ground services menu)
- add Fueltruck and icons for Fueltruck, Failures... (thanks to @JBRIK)
- read apt data from folder "Custom Scenery" too
- fixed bugs

Note1: "Fix all failures" - it fixed all failures: custom and xplane. You can fix failures on the ground and when plane stopped only. Caution: Remeber, if you set custom failure in flight, you can not fix an'y failures (fix failures on the ground only).

Note2: Refuel - conditions: no engine running and aircraft cant move, set required fuel on page "Fuel, payload..." and use command "Call fueltruck" on page "Ground services". If you set "Refuel time" to short, you cant use fuel truck, fuel will add immediately.

Note3: Ground power cabel connection - trigger AUTO: engines shutdown and APU not connected on bus (APU condition only after load plane at gate), - trigger BCN: engines shutdown and Anti-collision lights OFF
Salut , salut

Zibo : 3.37 full

je viens de faire un LFPO to LFML en mode Managed >>> RAS

par contre plus de passerelle ni de possibilité douvrir les portes :
sur gate , moteur éteint , frein de parking....

et vous ?

Salut Roland , t'as un passager clandestin , c'est les douanes qui tempechent douvrir les portes de l'avion ?

aucun problème de ce genre sur xp.org ...

quelle était la livrée de l'avion ?
c'est seulement à  l'arrivée ou tu as le problème aussi au départ ?
t'as bien cliqué sur "terminate flight leg" dans la tablette ?

Notes du manuel de lEFB

Note 1: The command displayed on the TAB will be actioned if the TAB is clicked.
E.g. If the GPU TAB is clicked, then the action will be to Connect the GPU.
Note 2: This GPU TAB (Ground Power Cart) should only be used if the aircraft is located at a Gate or
Stand that DOES NOT have Airport Supplied Ground Power.
Note 3: For airports that are set up for Ground Power, the Ground Power will connect automatically
at positioning or arrival. And automatically disconnect approximately 15 seconds after the
APU Generators are connected to the bus.
Note 4: It is recomm'ended to setup the personal preferences in the Better Pushback plugin, especially
if flying in VR. The setting to Automatically Disconnect can be very useful.
Note 5: To Extend the Air St'airs, the FWD Door must be opened first and closed after the Air St'airs
have been Retracted.
Note 6: For Fuelling to commence the following MUST be observed.
1. No engines running.
2. The aircraft MUST be stationary. i.e. Parking Brake or Chocks must be applied.
3. The required Fuel uplift has been entered into the Fuel, Payload and CG Window.
4. Refuel time MUST be set to Real or Long in the Realism Settings Window.
5. Call the Fuel Truck from the Ground Services Window.

androl2015 a dit:
Salut, salut Fred,
ok je n'ai pas regardé de ce coté là ...terminate flight leg

je referai un test

alors c'étais tout simplement un problème de livrée puisque avec la livrée par default tout fonctionne bien....
merci Fred...
Je pense qu'il suffit de copier le dossier airst'airs qui est dans la livrée par défaut dans les dossiers des autres compagnies
Je regarderai plus tard !
Zibo v3.37.4

3.37.4 fix:
- fixed bugs
- add 2 variants for Chrono
- add flap 10 bug on PFD

3.37.3 fix:
- fixed bugs (T/D missing, TCAS - show correct distance for planes in CTR mode,...)
- changed code for de-ice "drag"

3.37.2 fix:
- tuned indicated airspeed
Zibo v3.37.5

corrected bugs

je n'ai pas plus d'information ... je n'ai pas encore de simu en Normandie , mais ça sera l'été prochain dans la région de Caen : XP2020 ! :p
Zibo 3.37.6

3.37.6 fix:
- fixed bugs
- corrected s'ystems
- add warning for experimental flight model enabled
Zibo v3.37.7

Petit message de Zibo

For everyone who want test 3.37.7 with improved servo code (oscilation issue):

395.74 kB · 8 downloads

Install release 3.37.7 before using this patch. It should work on B738X, B739U and B737U.