Ca bosse dur chez Zibo !
Zibo v3.36.7
3.36.6 fix:
- fixed bugs (annunciate ELEC, entry Shift CG, LNAV code Flyover wpt,...)
- add toggle commands for lights
- add support librain plugin (by Skiselkov) in VR (thanks to Ekre)
3.36.6 fix:
- fixed missing sounds for cross tie relays
- fixed electric after load plane with engine running
- fixed pressurization display
- fixed FD TO/GA
- add more devices to correct buses
- add hydraulic failures (malfunction, leak)
3.36.5 fix:
- fixed Fueltruck and light switches (runway,logo)
3.36.4 fix:
- add pages to FMC (some pages have static dat'as yet)
- new electric s'ystem (modeled all basic buses, TR Units, Relays / all devices, s'ystems,... are not connected to correct bus yet)
- add failures s'ystem (electric/hydraulic/s'ystems... see EFB main menu) - only electric is working
- add refuel s'ystem (see EFB ground services menu)
- add Fueltruck and icons for Fueltruck, Failures... (thanks to JBRIK)
- fixed small bugs
Note: Refuel - conditions: no engine running and aircraft cant move, set required fuel on page "Fuel, payload..." and use command "Call fueltruck" on page "Ground services". If you set "Refuel time" to short, you cant use fuel truck, fuel will add immediately.