X-Plane 12

update retiré par Laminar hier soir mais qui devrait revenir bientôt ; à suivre ...

X-Plane 12.1.0 beta 3

  • XPD-15388 – Bug report “New writable datarefs are not writable”
  • XPD-15415 – Bug report “Zink driver crashes with plugins”
  • XPD-15416 – Bug report “Zink causes crash when opening plugin window (Linux)”
  • XPD-15421 – Toggling VR leaks memory
  • XPD-15423 – Installer manifest broken if file compression scheme changes without SHA changing
  • XPD-15430 – Bug report “Zink CLI option not forcing Zink to be enabled”
  • XPD-15434 – XPLMPopOutAvionics() crashes if called on a stock avionics device (GNS530 for example)
  • XPD-15437 – XPLMGetAvionicsGeometry() incorrect when avionics is popped out
  • XPD-15438 – XPLMSetAvionicsGeometryOS() has vertical switched
Dernière édition:

X-Plane 12.1.0 beta 3 disponible - 31 MB compressés à télécharger

G1000 Enhancements

Implemented auto brightness, which can be enabled by pressing the MENU button on the PFD.
The user can select the brightness manually for the PFD/MFD screens or set it to AUTO.

Bug fixes

  • XPD-15378 – XPlane 12 hangs when querying ipv6 addresses due to change in kernel 6.9.0
  • XPD-15388 – Bug report “New writable datarefs are not writable”
  • XPD-15415 – Bug report “Zink driver crashes with plugins”
  • XPD-15416 – Bug report “Zink causes crash when opening plugin window (Linux)”
  • XPD-15421 – Toggling VR leaks memory
  • XPD-15423 – Installer manifest broken if file compression scheme changes without SHA changing
  • XPD-15430 – Bug report “Zink CLI option not forcing Zink to be enabled”
  • XPD-15434 – XPLMPopOutAvionics() crashes if called on a stock avionics device (GNS530 for example)
  • XPD-15437 – XPLMGetAvionicsGeometry() incorrect when avionics is popped out
  • XPD-15438 – XPLMSetAvionicsGeometryOS() has vertical switched
de Philipp sur XP org , developeur Laminar :

Les "release notes" ne sont toujours pas complètes. Je sais qu'il y a au moins quatre éléments qui ne sont pas répertoriés. Je vais découvrir ce qui s'est passé
Les "release notes" sont générées par un script qui récupère les bugs marqués comme corrigés ; cela ne semble plus fonctionner de manière fiable.
comme quoi j'avais des crash avec le concorde de colimata et zink activé.
J'espère que ce sera rétabli si je dois ré activer zink mais je ne vois pas de différence avec ou sans.
comme quoi j'avais des crash avec le concorde de colimata et zink activé.
J'espère que ce sera rétabli si je dois ré activer zink mais je ne vois pas de différence avec ou sans.
Salut Ouali !

Zink est une passerelle OpenGL pour les devs de plugins (affichage menus ect...) ; à plus ou moins long terme , il sera intégré de manière transparente dans XP12 une fois tous les problèmes avec Nvidia et AMD réglés .
Il ne devrait plus être possible de l'activer/désactiver .
Les quatre bug fixes manquants en vert .
Certains ont changé de numéro XPD

  • XPD-15373 – F-14 external fuel tanks always revert to full load when opening the Weight, Balance and Fuel menu
  • XPD-15378 – XPlane 12 hangs when querying ipv6 addresses due to change in kernel 6.9.0
  • XPD-15388 – Bug report “New writable datarefs are not writable
  • XPD-15410 – copy-paste error prevents accessing 430 flightplan in the 172
  • XPD-15415 – Bug report “Zink driver crashes with plugins”
  • XPD-15416 – Bug report “Zink causes crash when opening plugin window (Linux)”
  • XPD-15419 – XPLMGetFMSFlightPlanEntryInfo doesn’t perform XPLMNavRef lookup, while XPLMGetFMSEntryInfo does
  • XPD-15421 – Toggling VR leaks memory
  • XPD-15423 – Installer manifest broken if file compression scheme changes without SHA changing
  • XPD-15429 – Regression: with bleed air = OFF, the cabin still slowly pressurizes
  • XPD-15430 – Bug report “Zink CLI option not forcing Zink to be enabled”
  • XPD-15434 – XPLMPopOutAvionics() crashes if called on a stock avionics device (GNS530 for example)
  • XPD-15437 – XPLMGetAvionicsGeometry() incorrect when avionics is popped out
  • XPD-15438 – XPLMSetAvionicsGeometryOS() has vertical switched
  • X-Plane 12.1.0 beta 4 disponible​

  • New batch file in support folder to start X-Plane with aftermath on Microsoft Windows
  • Updated translations for X-Plane
  • Disabled Zink for NVIDIA graphic cards

Bug fixes

  • XPD-15396 – Crash after runway incursion if spoken taxi instructions are still pending.
  • XPD-15472 – DSF-planet transition Broken.

j'espère que je ne me suis pas trompé , hein Fred

@adj phil , toujours de Philipp sur XP org

Also fixes :
  • XPD-15443
  • XPD-15445 - XPLMSetAircraftModel causes unload of USER aircraft also
  • XPD-15471
and also adds new translation files for non-english versions.

I have no idea why our release notes no longer match the bug database.
Salut à tous.

Une question. Depuis ces maj , je n'ai plus l'affichage de la météo sur le ND ? Le terrain fonctionne. Avez-vous le même problème ?
Salut à tous.

Une question. Depuis ces maj , je n'ai plus l'affichage de la météo sur le ND ? Le terrain fonctionne. Avez-vous le même problème ?
Salut Philippe !

Il faudra attendre une mise à jour de ZHSI ; Laminar a changé le protocol UDP :

@Pikitanga sur xp org :
Laminar removed the xRAD udp weather feed in 12.1.0-beta-1.
You will have to be patient until I finish changing ZHSI to use the RADR udp weather feed instead.

Edited 26/05/2024 at 11:31 AM by Pikitanga
Salut Philippe !

Il faudra attendre une mise à jour de ZHSI ; Laminar a changé le protocol UDP :

@Pikitanga sur xp org :
Laminar removed the xRAD udp weather feed in 12.1.0-beta-1.
You will have to be patient until I finish changing ZHSI to use the RADR udp weather feed instead.

Edited 26/05/2024 at 11:31 AM by Pikitanga
Merci Fred.

Je me doutais mais je n'avais pas vu le msg de Pikitanga. Effectivement c'est la première chose que j'avais vérifié, la version de ZHSI

X-Plane 12.1.0 beta 5 disponible

@Philipp , dev Laminar nous donne les " bug fixes " :
  • fixed setting/clearing failures from Control Pad is fixed
  • fixed a bunch of inconsistencies with new XPLM functions
  • fixed a race condition in graphics code
  • fix missing pipeline crash at KFTY
  • airbus autopilot more tolerant to wind gusts
  • fix a race condition in instrument code
  • fixed MDA limited to 5000ft
  • fixed a bunch of ATC crashes such as after touch and go
  • fixed a bunch of Vulkan memory issues with streaming memory that could lead to crashes
  • fixed some issues in weather reporting
  • fixed speedbugs appearing out of order
  • fix stutters caused by Vulkan memory allocator
  • fixed window position restore not working with certain monitor sizes or window placements
  • Fixed VRAM issues with nVidia 970 cards
  • fixed abnormally high oil temperature on turboprops
  • added datarefs for snow and hail on aircraft
  • added dataref for force on sling load hook for helicopters
  • made fuel priming writeable for plugins
  • fixed race condition with sky colors
  • fixed the bug where when you tocuhed an AI plane on the map, it would move your own plane
  • fix crash when you requested an aircraft carrier start when there was no water nearby
  • fix crash when plugins open VR windows
  • various crash fixes in IFR ATC
  • websocket API turned on
  • fixed issue with resizable base access memory (also known as AMD Smart Access Memory)
Toujours de @Philipp dev Laminar :
Que signifie le terme " race condition " que l'on peut voir sur quelques bug fixes :

La condition de concurrence se produit lorsque deux morceaux de code multithread accèdent au même emplacement mémoire et que l’un d’eux écrit dans cette mémoire. Il n'est alors pas clair si et quand la partie lecture voit réellement l'écriture.

Disons que vous avez un octet en mémoire qui vous indique combien de pommes se trouvent dans un panier.
Vous avez plusieurs threads exécutant du code qui vérifie si le panier contient au moins une pomme, et si c'est le cas, ils prennent une pomme et diminuent le nombre dans le panier de un.

Si deux threads voient en même temps qu'il reste une pomme, et qu'ils en prennent tous deux une et diminuent le nombre dans le panier, ce qui se passe n'est pas clair.
On pourrait se retrouver avec une pomme fantôme qui ne fonctionne pas réellement.
Ou bien le panier finit par contenir une pomme négative.
Dans le pire des cas, le panier est vide, deux threads ont la pomme, mais si quelqu'un essaie réellement de manger cette pomme, elle lui explose au visage.
C'est ce que nous appelons une "condition de concurrence" (race condition)

(traduit avec l'aide de google traduction.

UNIQUEMENT pour Windows :
une version beta 5 spéciale qui peut améliorer les performance et vu les résultas intéressants , elle sera incluse dans la beta 6 .

Pour essayer , Il suffit de déposer le XP.exe dans le dossier d'XPlane 12 pour remplacer XP12.1 beta 5

Hélas le lien a été désactivé 👀 , j'espère que la prochaine beta sortira vite , je n'ai pas eu le temps de faire l'essai

La discussion ici :
Dernière édition:
Salut !

J'ai finalement pu télécharger cette version spéciale en rejoignant le Discord officiel de Laminar :

Le .exe pèse 74Mo , je peux l'envoyer par wetransfert pour ceux que ça interesse ... Merci de m'envoyer un MP .

Je teste ce matin ...

Apparemment une Beta 6 sortie (vu sur Xplane.org) . Pas encore testé


  • Fixed performance issue introduced with beta 5
  • Zink got enabled again for NVIDIA graphic cards
  • Brake temperatures are cooling related to the speed (they cool down faster with airspeed)

  • XPD-15318 – Feature request: Brake temperatures dataref is writable.
  • XPD-15392 – Visibility in real weather limited to 10 SM if METAR contains visibility 10SM.
  • XPD-15550 – “Oil temperature too high”.
  • XPD-15580 – Dev assert when attempting carrier approach.
  • XPD-15583 – Performance regression on systems without ReBAR in beta 5.
  • XPD-15584 – “What’s new” popup causes crash on exvis.
  • XPD-15587 – G1000 shows X-Plane 12 logo only on external visuals.
X-Plane 12.1.0 beta 7 disponible :

  • There is a new checkbox in the graphics settings called “Enable FXAA Antialiasing”. This allows users to enable/disable FXAA independently of MSAA.
  • Avionics
    Added the equivalent of the “banana” to the Airbus.
The difference between the Airbus and the Boeing is that Airbus displays the “level-off” along the track of the flightplan ahead of the aircraft, whereas the Boeing always shows the level off straight ahead in front of the aircraft, rather than along the flightplan which may bend in front of the aircraft.
  • Also added the track line to the ND, only visible when the autopilot is NOT currently tracking the flight plan.
Bug fixes
  • XPD-15389 – Bug report “G1000 is in boot mode on 3, 10 nm approaches if selected after cold and dark start”.
  • XPD-15390 – Bug report “Ground textures flashing with camera movements/zoom”.
  • XPD-15422 – Separate checkbox for enabling FXAA independently of MSAA.
  • XPD-15424 – Bug report “Orthophotos on the ground blurred/overlayed at distance”.
  • XPD-15441 – Flight model of PA18 SuperCub needs adjusting.
  • XPD-15478 – Crash In Vulkan Memory Allocator.
  • XPD-15480 – Crash inside of render dag when volumetric fog is enabled.
  • XPD-15488 – F14 standby horizon slip indicator (ball) reversed sense.
  • XPD-15544 – “Minor bug – German Localisation – Startscreen missing Letter T in Taste”.
  • XPD-15567 – Crash in GFX metal code.
  • XPD-15588 – Crash in replay.
  • XPD-15589 – Livery pref lost with too many aircraft.
  • XPD-15591 – “Translation issue German “Löschen” is not “Clear””.
  • XPD-15594 – “ILS approaches with only Final Approach Course Fix (‘I’) don’t show as transition option”.
  • XPD-15610 – Avionics API callbacks not counted in plugin admin performance tab.
  • XPD-15611 – “The aviation flashlight is offset when the UI scale is not 100%”.
  • XPD-15613 – San Francisco Landmarks small fix.
  • XPD-15632 – Crash at beginning of replay with aviation flashlight on – xp12.10_release.
  • XPD-15637 – sim/operation/reset_flight command does not reset to last actual start.
  • XPD-15638 – Re: Bug report “Draped polygons flickering”."
Sur la beta 7 , il y a un bug dans les réglages graphiques , le curseur Anti-aliasing MSAA assigne les anciennes positions ; ça devrait être corrigé dans XP12.1.0 rc1 dans quelques jour :
  • 2xMSAA = pas d'anti-aliasing MSAA
  • 4xMSAA = 2xMSAA.
  • 8xMSAA = 4xMSAA.
  • 16xMSAA = 8xMSAA.
Dernière édition:
Il est possible de retrouver dans les réglages graphiques , les valeurs correctes du curseur MSAA en modifiant le fichier settings.txt
dans X-Plane 12/Ressources

SETTING_NAME |HDR anti-aliasing
SETTING_DESC This setting removes jagged lines in HDR mode via hardware multi sampling.
SETTING_1 renopt_HDR_antial 0 hdr/msaa_hw 0
SETTING_1 renopt_HDR_antial 1 hdr/msaa_hw 1
SETTING_1 renopt_HDR_antial 2 hdr/msaa_hw 2
SETTING_1 renopt_HDR_antial 3 hdr/msaa_hw 3
Public Beta - 12.1.0 RC1b disponible

⚠️ Please check your anti-aliasing settings (MSAA/FXAA) after the upgrade!

•Updated landmarks for Las Vegas. We hope to see and meet you at FlightSimExpo 2024
•Updated airport library with new objects (antennas, radars and water towers)

Bug Fixes
•XPD-14831 - Stationary aircraft causes water spray particles emit
•XPD-15149 - Bug report "Van's RV10 - Menu button on the MFD does not work
•XPD-15248 - No "rotorwash" particle effects during replay
•XPD-15417 - New beta 12.1 shows GPU error and crahes
•XPD-15431 - Entering Flight Plan route with unknown navid causes crash
•XPD-15435 - Datatrefs.txt broken in XP12 Beta
•XPD-15480 - Crash inside of the render dag when volumetric fog is enabled
•XPD-15585 - "GPU OOM on start"
•XPD-15586 - Map reports wrong true airspeed
•XPD-15631 - Translate new FXAA checkbox and accompanying tooltip/description
•XPD-15635 - G1000 dimming for night flying overriding brightness ratio dataref for thr panel the G1000 is placed in
•XPD-15651 - MSAA settings in the menu still map to what the old slider positions used to be
•XPD-15652 - Water FFT streams device memory when it doesn't need to
•XPD-15655 - Modern collector creates extra draw calls and sorts some layers incorrectly
Dernière édition:
Las Vegas FS Expo

XP12.xx améliorations futures.png

Présentation de XP12.1.0 RC et des futures améliorations par l'équipe Laminar Research ...
Dernière édition:
X-Plane 12.1.0 Release Candidate 2 est disponible


  • Fix crash when approach is cancelled by ATC for being way off course when with an approach controller with no home airport
  • Fix possible crash when cancelling IFR at very specific points

Bug fixes
  • XPD-15678 – Water rendering broken with multiple monitors at different resolutions
  • XPD-15701 – Issues when loading and saving 12.1.0 projector configuration files
Depuis hier , XP12.1.0 est en version finale .

Vous pouvez le vérifier en décochant l'option beta dans l'updater et faire une mise à jour , si votre version 12.1.0 rc2 est correcte , rien ne se passera sauf si des fichiers , pour une raison indéterminée , n'ont pas été mis à jour .
J'ai été un peu surpris hier en fin d'après midi en voyant X-Plane 12.1.0 sans rc2 pendant le lancement du simu mais je n'ai pas cherché plus loin ...
L'équipe de Laminar devrait débuter v12.2.0 beta 1 dans quelques jours/semaines ! :)
X-Plane 12.1.1 disponible

X-Plane 12.1.1 is a minor release to address some smaller bug fixes and it includes our new Web API.


  • Refactoring of the Graphics Core Engine to improve stability
  • Fixed various crashes when using AI aircrafts
  • Fixed various crashes when using the replay mode
  • Aircrafts don’t float over runways anymore when using networked computers (XPD-15097)


  • Avionics don’t stay black anymore when changing the aircraft or livery
  • Improved performance and thrust values for the Citation X
  • Citation X Navigation Lights can now be turned on when on battery power only (XPD-15607)


  • Fixed dependency issues for the new XPLM on Microsoft Windows

Local Web API​

X-Plane includes a build-in web server now that provides a way for applications to communicate with the simulator instance on your machine via the http protocol, using a REST and Websockets API.
REST = REpresentational State Transfer :

Detailed information on how to use the new API can be found here.
XP12.1.2 beta1 disponible - environ 700 MB

First of all, you will see all types of different boats sailing around the X-Plane world! The number of boats shown depends on the World Objects Density setting within your Graphics Settings.

This new feature adds to the immersion of X-Plane, especially when flying around islands and coats. Specific ships types appear with region-specific accuracy.
Along with all sorts of new boats, we also added three custom airports in the Caribbean. These airports have been built by hand with custom buildings and ground textures.
Let’s take a look!

Princess Juliana International Airport (TNCM)​

Princess Juliana International Airport is the main airport on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin and is the perfect starting point for you to discover our new boats and the next airports.

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport (TNCS)​

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport is an airport on the island of Saba. It is famous for having one of the shortest commercial runways in the world with a length of just 1,312 ft (400 m). Our artists added a variety of custom buildings around the entire island as well as an orthographic overlay. We hope you enjoy your stay at Saba.

Gustaf III Airport (TFFJ)​

Gustaf II Airport is located on the island of Saint Barthélemy, or St. Barth’s if you’re in the know. Due to its short runway and a variety of obstacles, a special license is required to land at the airport. St. Barth’s lists as one of the most dangerous airports in the world. Let’s see if you have what it takes!

X-Plane 12.1.2 represents a major milestone for our Scenery Gateway. We now ship with 20,000 (!!!) 3D Airports thanks to the stunning work of our community of designers. Thank you so much for this wonderful work – the entire X-Plane community appreciates you!

Additional Camera Commands​

With our General Aviation pilots especially in mind, we have added four new camera commands that will help you to look around quickly, especially when flying an approach.
The first two commands allow you to tilt the cockpit view by 45 degrees to the left and right. Executing the command again will tilt the view by another 45 degrees. We also added some commands to look up and down. Instead of 45 degrees, the camera will tilt 30 degrees and just as the other commands, you can execute the command again to look 60 or 90 degrees up and down.
sim/view/rot_cockpit_left_45Rotate cockpit view: tilt 45 degrees left.
sim/view/rot_cockpit_right_45Rotate cockpit view: tilt 45 degrees right.
sim/view/rot_cockpit_up_30Rotate cockpit view: tilt 30 degrees up.
sim/view/rot_cockpit_down_30Rotate cockpit view: tilt 30 degrees down.

Dual Jetways​

What good are two boarding doors if your jetway only attaches to one?! By popular demand, we have added support for dual jetways. Aircraft/airport authors now have the ability to update their products for this feature.

New Library Objects​

Our artists added some new items to the general airport library, such as some passenger stairs, airport buses and a Ground Power Unit.

Support for VirtualFly Hardware​

Included with 12.1.2 is support of four additional products VirtualFly in X-Plane:

  • Switcho Engines Ignition
  • Switcho Engines Electrical
  • Switcho Lights
  • Switcho Trims

Fixes and Enhancements​

Replay System​

We have focused effort on improving the stability of our replay system for this release. What good is a butter landing if you can’t show it to your friends later?

Local Web API​

When the WebServer cannot bind to port 8086 a warning will be shown to the user, but X-Plane will continue to start normally.


We updated the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas.



We fixed a problem regarding rain drops on windshields (XPD-15751).

Cirrus Vision SF50​

We fixed an engine behavior bug in the Cirrus VisionJet. Previously, if you started the engine, shut it down and then immediately tried to start it again, nothing happened.


The ALIA 250 now has gauges for all four batteries on its display.
Dernière édition:
Yahoooo ! presqu'aussi bien que P3D! :LOL:

Blague à part....superbe !