Drafting Authors:
Jim Skea (United Kingdom), Priyadarshi R Shukla (India), Andy Reisinger (New Zealand), Raphael
Slade (United Kingdom), Minal Pathak (India), Alaa Al Khourdajie (United Kingdom/Syria), Renée
van Diemen (the Netherlands/United Kingdom), Amjad Abdulla (Maldives), Keigo Akimoto (Japan),
Mustafa Babiker (Sudan/Saudi Arabia), Quan Bai (China), Igor Bashmakov (Russian Federation),
Christopher Bataille (Canada), Göran Berndes (Sweden), Gabriel Blanco (Argentina), Kornelis Blok
(the Netherlands), Mercedes Bustamante (Brazil), Edward Byers (Austria), Luisa F. Cabeza (Spain),
Katherine Calvin (the United States of America), Carlo Carraro (Italy), Leon Clarke (the United States
of America), Annette Cowie (Australia), Felix Creutzig (Germany), Diriba Korecha Dadi (Ethiopia),
Dipak Dasgupta (India), Heleen de Coninck (the Netherlands), Fatima Denton (the Gambia), Shobhakar
Dhakal (Nepal/Thailand), Navroz K. Dubash (India), Oliver Geden (Germany), Michael Grubb (United
Kingdom), Céline Guivarch (France), Shreekant Gupta (India), Andrea Hahmann (Chile), Kirsten
Halsnaes (Denmark), Paulina Jaramillo (the United States of America), Kejun Jiang (China), Frank
Jotzo (Australia), Tae Yong Jung (Republic of Korea), Suzana Kahn Ribeiro (Brazil), Smail Khennas
(Algeria), Şiir Kılkış (Turkey), Silvia Kreibiehl (Germany), Volker Krey (Austria), Elmar Kriegler
(Germany), William Lamb (Germany), Franck Lecocq (France), Shuaib Lwasa (Uganda), Nagmeldin
Mahmoud (Sudan), Cheikh Mbow (Senegal), David McCollum (the United States of America), Jan
Christoph Minx (Germany), Catherine Mitchell (United Kingdom), Rachid Mrabet (Morocco), Yacob
Mulugetta (Ethiopia), Gert-Jan Nabuurs (the Netherlands), Gregory Nemet (the United States of
America/Canada), Peter Newman (Australia), Leila Niamir (Germany/Iran), Lars J. Nilsson (Sweden),
Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho (Indonesia), Chukwumerije Okereke (Nigeria/United Kingdom), Shonali
Pachauri (India), Anthony Patt (Switzerland), Ramón Pichs-Madruga (Cuba), Joana Portugal Pereira
(Brazil), Lavanya Rajamani (India), Keywan Riahi (Austria), Joyashree Roy (India/Thailand), Yamina
Saheb (France/Algeria), Roberto Schaeffer (Brazil), Karen Seto (the United States of America), Shreya
Some (India), Linda Steg (the Netherlands), Ferenc L. Toth (Hungary), Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (Hungary),
Detlef van Vuuren (the Netherlands), Elena Verdolini (Italy), Purvi Vyas (India), Yi-Ming Wei (China),
Mariama Williams (Jamaica/the United States of America), Harald Winkler (Republic of South Africa).